Martin Clayton, Luigi Guerrini and Alejandro de Ávila
Royal Collection, in association with Harvey Miller 2009 The paper museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo ser. B . Natural history ; pt. 8
Henrietta McBurney ; with an introductory essay by Amy R. W. Meyers
Merrell Holberton c1997
Milo Cleveland Beach & Ebba Koch ; with new translations by Wheeler Thackston
Azimuth , Sackler Gallery c1997
Martin Clayton
Merell Holberton 1996
レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ [画]
中部日本放送 , 同朋舎出版(製作) [1995]
by Martin Clayton ; with commentaries on anatomy by Ron Philo
Museum of Fine Arts , Bulfinch Press , Little, Brown c1992
prefazione di S.A.R. il duca di Edimburgo ; catalogo di Carlo Pedretti ; introduzione di Jane Roberts
Giunti Barbèra c1984
catalogo di Carlo Pedretti ; introduzione di Kenneth Clark
Olivetti c1983
Katalog von Carlo Pedretti ; Einleitung von Kenneth Clark ; [übersetzung aus dem englischen, Julia Schlechta]
Belser , Johnson Reprint c1983
: Belser , : Hamburger Kunsthalle , : Kunsthaus Zürich
Metropolitan Museum of Art c1983
: pbk
catalogo a cura di Carlo Pedretti ; introduzione di Kenneth Clark
Giunti Barbèra c1982 Ed. italiana
catalogue by Carlo Pedretti ; introd. by Kenneth Clark
Johnson Reprint Corp. c1980
Carlo Pedretti
Giunti Barbèra c1979 Letture e conferenze / Fondazione Leonardo da Vinci 1 , Lettura vinciana
Giunti-Barbèra 1979
: hbk , : pbk
by Hans Holbein the Younger
Johnson Reprint , Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Co. 1977
by Allan Braham and Hellmut Hager
Zwemmer c1977 Studies in architecture 18
by Kenneth Clark
Phaidon 1968-1969 2nd ed., rev. with the assistance of Carlo Pedretti The Italian drawings at Windsor Castle
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
by Anthony Blunt and Hereward Lester Cooke
Phaidon Press [1960]
by K.T. Parker
Phaidon Press c1954
At The University Press 1935
vol. 1. text , vol. 2. plate