Hall, Edward T. (Edward Twitchell)
Hall, Ned
Hall, Edward T.
ホール, エドワード T.(ホール, エドワード T.)
홀, 에드워드
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photographs by Bernard Plossu ; text by Gilles Mora ; foreword by Edward T. Hall
University of New Mexico Press c2006
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
에드워드 홀 지음 ; 최효선 옮김
한길사 2002.2 Culture Books . 에드워드 홀 문화인류학 4부작||에드워드 홀 문화 인류학 4부작
Takeo Doi ; translated by Mark A. Harbison ; foreword by Edward Hall
Kodansha International 2001 1st trade pbk ed
: pbk : 新装版
Available at 32 libraries
by Mildred Reed Hall and Edward T. Hall ; photographs by Ezra Stoller
Sunstone Press c1975 [i.e. c1995]
Edward T. Hall
Anchor Books 1995, c1994 1st Anchor Books ed
Available at 7 libraries
Edward T. Hall et Mildred Reed Hall ; traduit et adpté de l'américain par Edmond Jacquemot
Éditions du Seuil 1994
Available at 6 libraries
エドワード・T・ホール著 ; 岩田慶治, 谷泰訳
TBSブリタニカ 1993.2
: 新装版
Available at 156 libraries
Anchor Books 1993 1st Anchor Books ed
Available at 11 libraries
Doubleday c1992 1st ed
Available at 8 libraries
Yoshinobu Ashihara ; translated and adapted by Lynne E. Riggs ; introduction by Daniel J. Boorstin ; foreword by Edward T. Hall
Kodansha International 1992, c1989
Available at 27 libraries
Anchor Books 1990, c1981 Anchor Books ed
Available at 21 libraries
Edward T. Hall and Mildred Reed Hall
Anchor Books, a division of Random House 1990 Anchor books
Available at 16 libraries
Doubleday 1990, c1981 Anchor books
Anchor Books 1990
Available at 49 libraries
Available at 62 libraries
Intercultural Press c1990
: hard , : pbk
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Doubleday 1990, c1987 Anchor books
Available at 58 libraries
Anchor Books, a division of Random House 1989, c1983 Anchor Books ed Anchor books
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Alianza Editorial c1989 El libro de bolsillo 1411 . Sección, Humanidades
Available at 2 libraries
Anchor Books 1989, c1981 Anchor Books ed Anchor books
Available at 137 libraries