Cobb, John B., Jr.
カブ, ジョン B.
コッブ, ジョン B.
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ジョン・B・カブ・Jr.著 ; 延原時行, 延原信子訳
ヨルダン社 1990.9
Available at 13 libraries
John B. Cobb, Jr
Crossroad c1990
Available at 1 libraries
edited by John B. Cobb, Jr. and Christopher Ives
Orbis Books 1990 Faith meets faith
: pbk
Available at 12 libraries
Herman E. Daly and John B. Cobb, Jr. ; with contributions by Clifford W. Cobb
Beacon Press c1989
: cloth , : paper
Available at 16 libraries
University Press of America c1986
Available at 5 libraries
ジョン・B・カブ・Jr. [著] ; 延原時行訳
行路社 1985.7
Available at 49 libraries
Upper Room c1985
Joseph C. Hough, Jr. and John B. Cobb, Jr
Scholars Press c1985 Scholars Press studies in religious and theological scholarship
Available at 11 libraries
Charles Birch, John B. Cobb, Jr
Cambridge University Press 1984
Available at 4 libraries
edited by John B. Cobb, Jr. and Franklin I. Gamwell
University of Chicago Press 1984 A Chicago original paperback
Available at 3 libraries
チャールズ・バーチ, ジョン・B.コッブ著 ; 長野敬, 川口啓明訳
紀伊国屋書店 1983.8-1984.2
上 , 下
Available at 94 libraries
by John B. Cobb, Jr
Manchester University Press , Westminister Press c1982 1st ed
: us : pbk
Fortress Press c1982
Stephen T. Davis, editor ; John B. Cobb, Jr. ... [et al.]
John Knox Press c1981
Available at 2 libraries
Seabury Press 1979 A Crossroad book , The Seabury library of contemporary theology
edited by James M. Robinson, John B. Cobb, Jr
Greenwood Press 1979, c1963 New frontiers in theology v. 1
ジョン・B.カブ,D.R.グリフィン著 ; 延原時行訳
新教出版社 1978.5 現代神学双書 66
Available at 30 libraries
edited by John B. Cobb, Jr. and David Ray Griffin ; contributors: Charles Birch ... [et al.]
University Press of America c1977
John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin
Westminster Press c1976
Available at 9 libraries
Westminster Press c1975
Available at 8 libraries