Bainton, Roland H. (Roland Herbert)
Bainton, Roland
Bainton, Roland H.
ベイントン, ローランド H.
バイントン, ローランド H.
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ベイントン著 ; 出村彰訳
新教出版社 1966.9
Available at 51 libraries
ローランド・H・ベイントン著 ; 倉塚平, 田中真造訳
弘文堂 1966.7 フロンティア・ライブラリー
Available at 73 libraries
Roland H. Bainton
Harper & Row [1966] Harper colophon books CN 507, 508
v. 1 , v. 2
Available at 2 libraries
Harper & Row 1966 Harper torchbooks . the cloister library ; TB 131N, 132
Available at 12 libraries
Harper & Row 1966 [1st ed.]
Available at 3 libraries
Hajo Holborn ; translated by Roland H. Bainton
Harper [1966] [1st Harper Torchbook ed.] Harper torchbooks . The Academy library ; TB1238J
Available at 9 libraries
by Roland H. Bainton
Hodder and Stoughton 1965 Collected papers in church history of Roland H. Bainton ser. 1
Available at 4 libraries
Hodder & Stroughton 1965 Collected papers in church history of Roland H. Bainton ser. 3
マルティン・ルター著 ; ベイントン編 ; 石居正己訳
聖文舎 1964
Available at 8 libraries
by Hugh Barbour ; with a foreword by Roland H. Bainton
Yale University Press c1964 Yale publications in religion 8
Available at 22 libraries
Beacon Press 1964 Collected papers in church history of Roland H. Bainton series 3
ローランド・H・ベイントン [著] ; 中村妙子訳
新教出版社 1963.2 現代神学双書
Available at 36 libraries
Roland Herbert Bainton
Beacon Press [c1963] Collected papers in church history of Roland H. Bainton ser. 2
Available at 11 libraries
translated and arranged by Roland H. Bainton ; illustrated with woodcuts by Virgil Solis
Westminster Press c1962
Beacon Press c1962 Collected papers in church history of Roland H. Bainton series 1
Available at 5 libraries
D. Van Nostrand 1962 An Anvil original 64
by Roland H. Bainton ... [et al.]
International Fellowship of Reconciliation , Distributor in the United States by the Fellowship of Reconciation 1941
Available at 1 libraries
Beacon Press c1952 1961 sixth printing
: pbk
Bobbs-Merrill c1960 The Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in European history E-10
by Hermann Doerries ; translated from the German by Roland H. Bainton
Yale University Press 1960 The Terry lectures
Available at 6 libraries