Thomas Spence, William Ogilvie, Thomas Paine ; with an introduction by M. Beer
University Press of the Pacific c2001
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
T.スペンス [ほか] 著 ; 四野宮三郎訳
御茶の水書房 1982.7
with an introductory essay and notes by G.I. Gallop
Spokesman 1982 Socialist classics no. 2 , Spokesman university paperback no. 47
: pbk
edited by H.T. Dickinson
Avero (Eighteenth-Century) Publications 1982
Spokesman 1982 Socialist classics no. 2
Garland Pub. 1974 The English book trade, 1660-1853
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1966
with an introduction by M. Beer
Knopf 1920 Borzoi books
G. Bell and Sons 1920 Bohn's popular library
von Thomas Spence ; aus dem Englischen übersetzt von F. von Eichmann ; mit einer Einleitung von Georg Adler
C.L. Hirschfeld 1904-1906 Hauptwerke des Sozialismus und der Sozialpolitik 1.-7. Heft
C.L. Hirschfeld 1904 Hauptwerke des Sozialismus und der Sozialpolitik 1. Heft
by Thomas Spence, 1775 ; reprinted and edited, with notes and introduction by H.M. Hyndman, 1882
E.W. Allen 1882
[Printed for T. Spence] [1803?]
by Thomas Spence
J. Smith 1801
Printed for T. Spence at the Hive of Liberty, No. 8, Little Turnstile, High Holborn [1795?] The second edition
[volume 1]
Printed for T. Spence at the Hive of Liberty, No. 8, Little Turnstile, High Holborn [1794]
volume II
by Old Hubert
Printed for T. Spence 1793
by T. Spence
British Library, Reference Division, Reprographic Section
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
Printed by T. Saint for the Author 1775