Dienes, Leslie Dennis
ディーネシュ, レスリー(ディーネシュ, レスリー)
Leslie Dienes
The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington 1998 The Donald W. Treadgold papers in Russian, East European and Central Asian studies paper no. 18
by Leslie Dienes
The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington 1996 The Donald W. Treadgold papers in Russian, East European and Central Asian studies paper no. 5
望月喜市, 田畑伸一郎, 山村理人編集責任
弘文堂 1995.12 講座スラブの世界 / 原暉之編集代表 6
Leslie Dienes, István Dobozi, Marian Radetzki
Macmillan Press , St. Martin's Press 1994
: uk , : us
Westview Press 1987 Westview special studies on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
George W. Hoffman : with contributions by Leslie Dienes
Duke University Press 1985 Duke Press policy studies
Leslie Dienes and Theodore Shabad
V. H. Winston , distributed solely by Halsted Press, a division of Wiley c1979 Scripta series in geography
University of Chicago, Dept. of Geography 1969 Research paper / the University of Chicago, Department of Geography no. 119