Booth, Wayne C.
ブース, ウェイン・C(ブース, ウェイン・C)
布斯, W・C(フシ, W・C)
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[compiled by] Wayne C. Booth, Marshall W. Gregory
Harper & Row Publishers c1988 2nd ed
Available at 3 libraries
Wayne C. Booth
University of Chicago Press 1988
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 38 libraries
University of California Press c1988
: alk. paper , : pbk
Available at 68 libraries
Wayne C. Booth, Marshall W. Gregory
Harper & Row c1987
Available at 2 libraries
(美)布斯(Booth,W.C.)著 ; 华明等译
北京大学出版社 1987.10 文艺美学丛书 / 文艺美学丛书编辑委员会编
Available at 5 libraries
Penguin 1987, c1983 2nd ed A Peregrine book . Literary criticism
Available at 7 libraries
Wayne C. Booth ; versión española de Jesús Fernández Zulaica y Aurelio Martínez Benito
Taurus c1986 Persiles 160 . Serie teoría y crítica literaria
Available at 1 libraries
Harper & Row c1984
Available at 4 libraries
Mikhail Bakhtin ; edited and translated by Caryl Emerson ; introduction by Wayne C. Booth
University of Minnesota Press c1984 Theory and history of literature v. 8
: pbk
Available at 76 libraries
by Wayne C. Booth
University of Chicago Press 1983 2nd ed
Available at 96 libraries
University of Chicago Press c1979
Available at 67 libraries
University of Chicago Press 1975
Available at 33 libraries
University of Chicago Press 1974
: cloth
Available at 36 libraries
The University of Chicago 1974 University of Notre Dame Ward-Phillips lectures in English language and literature v. 5
Available at 11 libraries
Wayne C. Booth ;übersetzu von Alexander Polzin
Quelle und Meyer 1974 Uni-Taschenbücher 384-385
1 , 2
Available at 9 libraries
University of Chicago Press 1974 Phoenix books P641
: paper
Available at 40 libraries
University of Notre Dame Press 1974 Ward-Phillips lectures in English language and literature v. 5
Available at 13 libraries
by Wayne C. Booth, John R. Platt ; edited with notes and introduction by Hiroshi Ebine
Shohakusha 1971.2
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1970 Libelli Bd. 298
[by] Wayne C. Booth
University of Chicago Press 1970