American Society for Testing and Materials. Committee E-9 on Fatigue
American Society for Testing and Materials. E-9 Committee on Fatigue
American Society for Testing and Materials. Committee E-9 on Thermal Fatigue of Materials and Components
A.S.T.M. Committee E-9 on Fatigue
M.R. Mitchell and R.W. Landgraf, editors
ASTM c1992- ASTM special technical publication 1122, 1211, 1292
[1st vol.] , 2nd vol , 3rd vol
Bernard M. Strauss and Susil K. Putatunda, editors
ASTM c1990 ASTM special technical publication 1085
Arthur A. Braun, Noel E. Ashbaugh, and Fraser M. Smith, editors
ASTM c1990 ASTM special technical publication 1092
McHenry/Potter, editors
ASTM c1990 ASTM special technical publication 1058
W. Barry Lisagor, Thomas W. Crooker, and Brian N. Leis, editors
ASTM c1990 ASTM special technical publication 1049
Ralph Papirno and H. Carl Weiss, editors
ASTM c1989 ASTM special technical publication 1025
Jeffrey T. Fong and Richard J. Fields, editors
ASTM c1988 ASTM special technical publication 924
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
J.C. Newman, Jr. and Wolf Elber, editors
ASTM c1988 ASTM special technical publication 982
sponsored by ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue, Bolton Landing (on Lake George), New York, 30 September-4 October 1985 ; H.D. Solomon ... [et al.], editors
ASTM c1988 ASTM special technical publication 942
sponsored by ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue, Charleston, SC, 18-19 March 1985 ; John M. Potter, editor
American Society for Testing and Materials 1986 ASTM special technical publication 927
sponsored by ASTM Committees D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and E-9 on Fatigue, Hampton, VA, 6-8 June 1983 ; Jack R. Vinson and Minoru Taya, editors
ASTM c1985 ASTM special technical publication 864
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, San Francisco, CA, 15-17 Dec. 1982 ; K.J. Miller and M.W. Brown, editors
American Society for Testing and Materials c1985 ASTM special technical publication 853
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, Louisville, KY., 10 May 1983 ; R.I. Stephens, editor
American Society for Testing and Materials c1985 ASTM special technical publication 857
W.H. Cullen ... [et al.], editors
ASTM c1985 ASTM special technical publication 877
sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue, Williamsburg, Va., 9-10 March 1982 ; T. Kevin O'Brien, editor
ASTM c1983 ASTM special technical publication 813
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, Dearborn, Mich., 10-11 May 1982 ; J. Lankford ... [et al.], editors
ASTM c1983 ASTM special technical publication 811
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, St. Louis, Mo., 19 Oct. 1981 ; J.M. Bloom, J.C. Ekvall, editors
American Society for Testing and Materials c1983 ASTM special technical publication 798
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue ... [et al.] ; T.W. Crooker and B.N. Leis, editors
American Society forTesting and Materials c1983 ASTM special technical publication 801
sponsored by ASTM Committees E-7 on Nondestructive Testing and E-9 on Fatigue, Bal Harbour, Fla., 13-14 Nov. 1980 ; K.L. Reifsnider, editor
ASTM c1982 ASTM special technical publication 775
sponsored by ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue, in cooperation with Society of Automotive Engineers and American Society of Civil Engineers, Minneapolis, Minn., 14-15 April 1980 ; B.A. Sanders, editor
American Society for Testing and Materials c1982 ASTM special technical publication 772