Angel, John Lawrence
Angel, J. L. (John Lawrence)
edited by Michael R. Zimmerman and J. Lawrence Angel
Croom Helm c1986 Croom Helm applied biology series
Louis Dupree ; in collaboration with J. Lawrence Angel ... [et al.]
American Philosophical Society 1972 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society new ser., v. 62, pt. 4
by J. Lawrence Angel
American School of Classical Studies at Athens , Smithsonian Institution Press 1971
by Sándor Bökönyi . by J. Lawrence Angel ; edited by Hugh Hencken
Peabody Museum 1968 Bulletin / American School of Prehistoric Research 25 . Mecklenburg collection ; pt. 1
J. Lawrence Angel
Smithsonian Press 1966 Smithsonian contributions to anthropology v. 2, no. 1
by Porphyrios Dikaios ; with contributions by J. Lawrence Angel ... [et al.]
University Museum, University of Pennsylvania 1961 Museum monographs
by George E. Mylonas ; with an appendix on the early Helladic skulls by J. Lawrence Angel
Princeton University Press 1959
Published for the University of Cincinnati by Princeton University Press 1951 Troy : excavations conducted by the University of Cincinnati, 1932-1938 / edited by Carl W. Blegen ; with the collaboration of John L. Caskey and Marion Rawson Supplementary monograph ; 1
chapters by John Lawrence Angel ... [et al.] ; edited by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
University of California Press 1945 The United nations series
by Rodney S. Young ; with an appendix on the skeletal remains, Geometric Athenians by J. Lawrence Angel
American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1939 Hesperia supplement ; 2 . The American excavations in the Athenian Agora
by Rodney S. Young ; with an appendix on the skeletal remains : geometric Athenians by J. Lawrence Angel
Swets & Zeitlinger, [c1939], 1975 [Reprint Ed.] Hesperia supplement 2. The American excavations in the Athenian agora