Elliott, Dave
Elliot, David
エリオット, デイヴ(エリオット, デイヴ)
David Elliott
Palgrave Macmillan c2019 Energy, climate and the environment series
David Elliott, Terence Cook
Palgrave Macmillan c2018 Palgrave pivot
Palgrave Macmillan 2013 Palgrave pivot
: hardback
edited by David Elliott
Palgrave Macmillan 2010 Energy, climate and the environment series
: pbk
edited by David Elliott ; with a preface by Andrew Blowers
Palgrave Macmillian 2010 Energy, climate and the environment series
Palgrave Macmillan 2007 Energy, climate and the environment series
Palgrave Macmillian 2007 Energy, climate and the environment series
Green Books for the Schumacher Society 2003 Schumacher briefing no. 10
Routledge 2003 2nd ed Routledge introductions to environment
: hbk , : pbk
editor, David Elliott
Moderna Museet 2000 Moderna Museet utställningskatalog nr. 295
edited by Bojana Pejić and David Elliott
Moderna Museet 1999 Moderna museets utställningskatalog no. 287
: [set] , v. 1. [text] , v. 2. [image]
Mark Pettigrew and David Elliott
Gower c1999 A Gower paperback
Routledge 1997 Routledge introductions to environment
Jane Roberts, David Elliott and Trevor Houghton
Belhaven Press 1991
: hard , : pbk
デイヴ・エリオット編著 ; 田窪雅文訳
現代書館 1983.2
prepared for the [Control of Technology] Course Team by David Elliott, Ken Green and Fred Steward
Open University Press 1978 Technology : a third level course / Open University . Control of technology ; unit 9
prepared for the [Control of Technology] Course Team by David Elliott
Open University Press 1978 Technology : a third level course / Open University . Control of technology ; units 6-7
[by] David Elliott with ... [others]
Pluto Press 1978
prepared for the Systems Behaviour Course Team by Dave Elliott and John Beishon
Open University Press 1977 2nd ed Technology : a second level course . Systems behaviour ; module 3
edited by Godfrey Boyle, David Elliott, and Robin Roy
Longman 1977