Raleigh, Walter, Sir
Rauleigh, Walter, Sir
Rawleigh, Walter, Sir
Rawley, Walter, Sir
W. R. (Walter Raleigh), Sir
R., W. (Walter Raleigh), Sir
Raleĭ, U.
Ралей, У.
ローリ, ウォルター(ローリ, ウォルター)
[Дмитрий Шостакович] ; общая редакция Манашира Якубова
Изд-во "DSCH" 2012 Новое собрание сочинений / Дмитрий Шостакович серия 9 . Камерные вокальные сочинения и песни ; т. 95
楽譜(印刷) (スコア)
edited by Joyce Lorimer
Ashgate for Hakluyt Society 2006 Works / issued by the Hakluyt Society 3rd ser., no. 15
edited by Ronald Levao
Penguin Books 2001 Penguin classics , Penguin books . Poetry
: pbk
edited by Michael Rudick
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in conjunction with Renaissance English Text Society 1999 Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies . v. 209 , Renaissance English Text Society 7th ser., v. 23 (for 1998)
edited by Agnes Latham and Joyce Youings
University of Exeter Press c1999
by Sir Walter Raleigh ; transcribed, annotated and introduced by Neil L. Whitehead
University of Oklahoma Press c1997 The American exploration and travel series v. 77
: cloth , : paper
by Sir Walter Ralegh ; transcribed, annotated and introduced by Neil L. Whitehead
Manchester University Press 1997 Exploring travel
Dmitri Shostakovich
Deutsche Grammophon , Polydor [distributor] p1994-
v. 1 録音資料(音楽) (CD)
Sir Walter Ralegh ; edited by Gerald Hammond
Penguin 1986
edited by Gerald Hammond
Penguin 1986, c1984
Carcanet 1984 Fyfield books
ジェンキンソン [ほか著] ; 朱牟田夏雄 [ほか訳]
岩波書店 1983.2-1985.9 大航海時代叢書 第2期 17-18
1 , 2
Д. Шостакович
Изд-во "Музыка" 1982 Собрание сочинений в сорока двух томах / Д. Шостакович . Романсы и песни||||Romansy i pesni ; т. 31
Sir William Staunford . William Dickinson . Roger Maynwaring . Robert Sibthorpe . Sir Walter Raleigh
Garland Pub. 1979 Classics of English legal history in the modern era
Sir Walter Raleigh . . Sir John Doddridge . Henry Elsynge
Garland Pub. 1979 Classics of English legal history in the modern era 61
edited with introduction and notes by G.E. Hadow
Folcroft Library Editions 1978
: lib. bdg.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , W. J. Johnson 1974 The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile no. 686
Demetrio Ramos Pérez
Fuentes para la Historia Colonial de Venezuella 1973 Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia 116
by Sir Walter Ralegh ; edited by V.T. Harlow
N. Israel , Da Capo Press 1971 Argonaut Press #5
edited by V. T. Harlow
N. Israel , Da Capo Press 1971 Argonaut Press #12