Ambedkar, Babasaheb
Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramrao
Ambedkar, Bhivram Ramji
Bhīmarāu Rāmajī Ambeḍkar
Bhīmarāva Rāmajī Āmbeḍakara
Bhimrao Ramrao Ambedkar
Bhivram Ramji Ambedkar
Ambedkar, Bhīmarāu Rāmmajī
Ambedkar, B. R. (Bhimrao Ramji)
アンベードカル, B. R.(アンベードカル, B. R)
Ambedkar, B. R.
Bābā Sāheba Ambeḍakara
भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर
बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर
Babasaheb Ambedkar ; compiled by Vasant Moon
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation 2020
v. 1
B.R. Ambedkar ; edited and annotated by Alex George and S. Anand ; introduction by Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd
Columbia University Press c2020
: pbk
Navayana 2019
edited by Christophe Jaffrelot and Narender Kumar
Oxford University Press 2018
B. R. Ambedkar ; introduction by Anand Teltumbde
LeftWord 2017
B.R. Ambedkar ; edited and annotated by S. Anand and Shobhna Iyer ; introduced by Kancha Ilaiah with the essay the riddle of Ambedkar: why did he say he was born a Hindu?
Navayana [2016]
B.R. Ambedkar ; edited and annotated by S. Anand ; introduced with the essay The Doctor and the Saint by Arundhati Roy
Navayana 2014
: Hardback , : Paperback
selected and introduced by Sharmila Rege
Navayana Pub. , IPD Alternatives [distributor] 2013
D.K. Varshney, H.M. Sharma, Ruchika Khanna
Signature Books International 2013
: set , 1 , 2 , 3
संकलन, संपादन, रामजी यादव
भारतीय पुस्तक परिषद् 2012 संस्करण 1
: set , 1 , 2
B R Ambedkar
Critical Quest 2011
B.R. Ambedkar ; edited, introduced, and annotated by Aakash Singh Rathore and Ajay Verma
Oxford University Press 2011
: hbk
लेखक, भीमराव अम्बेडकर ; अनुवाद, प्रेमलाल सिंह
विनोद बुक सेन्टर 2011
edited and selected by Bhagwan Das ; annotations by S. Anand
Navayana 2010 The Navayana annotated ed Ambedkar library 1 . Thus spoke Ambedkar ; v. 1
: pbk , : hardback
edited by Hari Narke ; design by Sanju Hinge ; script by Sangeeta Pawar
Education Dept., Govt. of Maharashtra 2010 Writings and speeches / Babasaheb Ambedkar ; compiled by Vasant Moon v. 22
by B.R. Ambedkar
Gautam Book Centre 2009
B.R. Ambedkar
Critical Quest 2008
Babasaheb Ambedkar
Education Department, Government of Maharashtra [2008]- 2nd ed. / by Hari Narake
v. 15
लेखक, बी. आर. आंबेडकर
सम्यक प्रकाशन 2008 2. संस्करण
लेखक, बी. आर. अम्बेडकर ; अनुवाद, भदन्त आनंद कौसल्मयायन
गौतम बुक सेन्टर 2008 2. संस्करण