Leo I, the Great, Saint, Pope, d. 461
Léon, Saint, d. 461
Léon, le Grand, Saint, d. 461
Léon, Saint, pape
Leon, Wielki, Saint, d. 461
Leo Magnus, Saint
Leo, the Great, Saint, d. 461
Leo, der Grosse, Saint, d. 461
Leone, Magno, Saint, d. 461
Search authors sharing the same name
Léon le Grand ; traduction, notes et index de Dom René Dolle
Éditions du Cerf 2008, c1973 Sources chrétiennes no 200
t. 4
Available at 1 libraries
Léon le Grand ; introduction de Jean Leclercq ; traduction et notes de René Dolle
Cerf 2008, c1964 2e éd Sources chrétiennes no 22 bis
t. 1
Léon le Grand ; texte latin d'Antoine Chavasse ; traduction et notes par Dom René Dolle
Éditions du Cerf 2004 Réimpr. de la 2e éd Sources chrétiennes no 74 bis
3: 38-64
Available at 2 libraries
St. Leo the Great ; introduction, texts & translations, excursus, appendices, and indices by Hendrik Gerhard Schipper & Johannes van Oort
Brepols 2000 Corpus fontium manichaeorum Series latina ; 1
Available at 3 libraries
St. Leo the Great ; translated by Jane Patricia Freeland, Agnes Josephine Conway
Catholic University of America Press c1996 The fathers of the church, a new translation v. 93
Available at 22 libraries
Hendrickson Publishers c1994 A Select library of the Christian church : Nicene and post-Nicene fathers : second series / edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace v. 12
Eerdmans , T&T Clark 1989 A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church : second series / translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace v. 12
U.S , U.K
Available at 4 libraries
digesserunt Eddy Gouder, Michel Gueret et Paul Tombeur ; [curante] CETEDOC, Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis, Lovanii Novi
Brepols 1987 Corpvs Christianorvm . Instrumenta lexicologica Latina ; Series B . Enumeratio lemmatum, concordantia lemmatum et formarum, index formarum, index lemmatum a tergo ordinatorum, tabula frequentiarum ; fasc. 40
: broché , : série
Available at 6 libraries
Leo Magnus ; curante CETEDOC, Universitas Catholica Lovaniensis Lovanii Novi
Brepols 1987 Corpvs Christianorvm Series Latina ; 138-138A . Instrumenta lexicologia Latina ; series A . Enumeratio formarum, concordantia formarum, index formarum a tergo ordinatarum ; fasc. 40
Available at 13 libraries
Typographi Brepols 1983-1995 Patrologiæ cursus completus omnium ss. patrum, doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum, sive Latinorum, sive Graecorum / accurante J.-P. Migne Series Latina ; t. 54-56
[t. 1] , [t. 2] , [t. 3]
Available at 17 libraries
Eerdmans , T&T Clark 1983 A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church : second series / translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace v. 12
Available at 15 libraries
Eerdmans [1979, reprinting] A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church : second series / translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace Second series ; v. 12
Available at 8 libraries
recensuit Antonius Chavasse
Typographi Brepols 1973 Corpvs Christianorvm . Series Latina ; 138-138A
Tractatus 1-38 , Tractatus 39-96
Available at 39 libraries
Eerdmans [1964] A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church : second series / translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace Second series ; v. 12
Eerdmans 1969 A Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church : second series / translated into English with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace v. 12
Available at 5 libraries
レオ一世[説教] ; 熊谷賢二訳
創文社 1965.12 キリスト教古典叢書 / 上智大学神学部編 ; P.ネメシェギ責任編集 5
Available at 85 libraries
Éditions du Cerf 1964-1976 2e éd Sources chrétiennes no 22 bis, 49 bis, 74 bis
t. 1 , t. 2 , t. 3
Available at 24 libraries
Léon le Grand ; traduction, notes de René Dolle
Éditions du Cerf 1961-1973 Sources chrétiennes no 74, 200
t. 3 , t. 4
Available at 16 libraries
St. Leo the Great ; translated by Brother Edmund Hunt
Fathers of the Church c1957 The fathers of the church, a new translation v. 34
Catholic University of America Press c1957 The fathers of the church, a new translation v. 34
Available at 19 libraries