Trilling, Diana
トリリング, ダイアナ(トリリング, ダイアナ)
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Margaret Mead, Diana Trilling, Morton M. Hunt [著] ; 伊藤悟, 伊藤幸子注釈
南雲堂 2005.3 改訂 Nan'un-do's contemporary library C-81
ダイアナ・トリリング [著] ; 野島秀勝訳
法政大学出版局 1996.1 叢書・ウニベルシタス 514
Available at 178 libraries
Diana Trilling
Harcourt Brace c1993 1st ed
Available at 3 libraries
Lionel Trilling ; edited by Diana Trilling
Oxford University Press 1982 Uniform ed The works of Lionel Trilling
Available at 2 libraries
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich c1981
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich c1981 Uniform ed The works of Lionel Trilling , A Harvest/HBJ book
Lionel Trilling ; selected by Diana Trilling
Oxford University Press 1981 Uniform ed The works of Lionel Trilling
H.B. Jovanovich 1980, c1979 1st Harvest/HBJ ed The works of Lionel Trilling , A Harvest/HBJ book
H.B. Jovanovich c1980 1st ed The works of Lionel Trilling
Available at 22 libraries
H.B. Jovanovich c1979 1st ed The works of Lionel Trilling
Available at 48 libraries
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich c1979 Uniform ed The works of Lionel Trilling
Available at 18 libraries
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1978, c1977 1st Harvest/HBJ ed A Harvest/HBJ book
Available at 1 libraries
Diana Trilling ; introd. by Paul Fussell
Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich [c1978]
Available at 4 libraries
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich c1977 1st ed
edited and with an introd. by Diana Trilling
Penguin Books 1977, c1947 The Viking portable library
渡辺守章 [ほか] 訳
筑摩書房 1974.9 筑摩世界文學大系 85
Available at 218 libraries
Margaret Mead, Diana Trilling, Morton M. Hunt ; edited with notes by Satoru Ito, Sachiko Ito
Nan'un-do 1974 Nan'un-do's contemporary library
Available at 8 libraries
Secker & Warburg 1965
Available at 9 libraries
Harcourt c1964 1st ed