Richard Jefferies ; edited and with an introduction by Mark Frost
Edinburgh University Press c2017 Edinburgh critical editions of nineteenth-century texts
: hardback
Richard Jefferies ; edited and with an introduction and preface by Richard Mabey
Penguin 2013 Penguin classics . Penguin literature
: [pbk.]
Richard Jefferies
Cambridge University Press 2009 Cambridge library collection . History
: pbk
Penguin 2009 Penguin books . English journeys ; 9
Richard Jefferies ; with an introduction by Jeremy Hooker ; preface by C.J. Longman
Green Books 2002
リチャード・ジェフリーズ著 ; 根岸彰訳
鳥影社 2002.6
所蔵館14館 [20--?]
edited by Julian Wolfreys and William Baker
New York University Press 1996
clothbound , pbk.
Richard Jefferies ; edited with an introduction by Peter Hunt
Oxford University Press 1989 The world's classics
Puffin , [manufacture] 1974 , 1984 [printing] Abridged ed. / edited by Brian Jackson with the original illustrations Puffin classics
Oxford University Press 1983 Oxford paperbacks
Richard Jefferies ; chosen and introduced by Richard Mabey
Penguin 1983 Penguin English library
collected by his widow
Oxford University Press 1982 Oxford paperbacks
by Richard Jefferies
Osaka Kyoiku Tosho 1980 Standard authors series 39
Richard Jefferies ; with an introduction by Edward Thomas
Oxford University Press 1980
by Richard Jefferies ; edited and with an introduction by George Miller
Eric & Joan Stevens 1981
Richard Jefferies ; with an introduction by John Fowles
Oxford University Press 1980 The world's classics
Richard Jefferies ; with an introduction by Richard Fitter
Oxford University Press 1978 Oxford paperbacks
Puffin Books 1974 Abridged ed. / edited by Brian Jackson with the original illustrations by E.H. Shepard Puffin books