New York (N.Y.). Rockefeller Foundation
Fundación Róckefeller
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Rockefeller Foundation [1968]
Available at 8 libraries
the Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation [1967-]
1967 , 1969 , 1970 , 1971
Available at 12 libraries
The Rockefeller Foundation [1966]
Available at 3 libraries
by C.A. Cooper and B.F. Massell and the Rockefeller Foundation
Institute for Development Studies, University College [1965] Reprint no. 10
Available at 1 libraries
by C.A. Cooper and B.F. Massell and Rockefeller Foundation
Institute for Development Studies, University College [1965] Reprint no. 8
The Rockefeller Foundation
Office of Publications 1962-
1961-1962 , 1964-1965
Available at 4 libraries
Rockefeller Foundation 1962-1966
Available at 46 libraries
with assistance from the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 1961 Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 841-S
Available at 2 libraries
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 1960 Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 840
by Warren Weaver
Rockefeller Foundation [1959]
The Rockefeller Foundation [1959]
[The Rockefeller Foudation] [1956]
Available at 5 libraries
edited by Lawrence Clark Powell
University of California Library 1955 Occasional papers no. 3
Rockefeller Foundation [1955?]-
1954 , 1956 , 1957 , 1958 , 1959 , 1960 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966
Available at 14 libraries
organized by the Science Council of Japan with the collaboration of Kyoto University and the Physical Society of Japan under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics supported by U.N.E.S.C.O. and the Rockefeller Foundation
[Organizing Committee] 1953
Rockefeller Foundation [1953]-1960
Available at 37 libraries
with an introduction by Chester I. Barnard
[The Rockefeller Foudation] [1951]
Available at 16 libraries
Rockefeller Foundation European Office 1933
Rockefeller Foundation
European Office , [Rockefeller Foundation] 1930