Marrus, Michael R. (Michael Robert)
マラス, マイケル R.(マラス, マイケル R)
Michael R. Marrus and Robert O. Paxton
Stanford University Press c2019 2nd ed
: hardcover
: pbk
マイケル・R.マラス著 ; 真壁広道訳
えにし書房 2017.5
Michaël R. Marrus, Robert O. Paxton ; traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Marguerite Delmotte
Calmann-Lévy c2015 Nouv. éd Le Livre de poche 4115
Calmann-Lévy c2015 Nouv. éd Diaspora
Michael R. Marrus
University of Wisconsin Press c2009 George L. Mosse series in modern European cultural and intellectual history
Bedford Books c1997 The Bedford series in history and culture
マイケル R.マラス著 ; 長田浩彰訳
時事通信社 1996.9
Michael Marrus ; trad. de l'anglais par Françoise Brodsky
Flammarion 1994 Champs 307
Penguin 1993, c1987 Penguin books
Published by University Press of New England [for] Brandeis University Press c1991
Michael Marrus ; traduit de l'anglais par Françoise Brodsky
Eshel 1990 Histoire
Penguin 1989, c1987 Pelican books
edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 9
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 8
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 7
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 6
v. 1 , v. 2
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 5
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 4
Meckler c1989 The Nazi Holocaust : historical articles on the destruction of European Jews / edited with an introduction by Michael R. Marrus 3