North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Committee
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Committee
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Science Committee
N.A.T.O. Science Committee
Comité scientifique de l'OTAN
Comité scientifique de l'O.T.A.N
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Comité scientifique
edited by Søren Gregersen and Peter W. Basham
Kluwer Academic Publishers 1989 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 266
edited by M.H. Unsworth and D. Fowler
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1988 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 252
edited by D.C. Clary
D. Reidel , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1986 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 170
edited by M. Goovaerts, F. de Vylder, and J. Haezendonck
D. Reidel , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1986 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 171
edited by G. Kullenberg
D. Reidel , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1986 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 172
edited by S.C. Power
D. Reidel , Distributed in the U.S.A. by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1985 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 153
edited by Peter Pepper
Springer-Verlag 1984 NATO ASI series ser. F . Computer and systems sciences ; v. 8
: Germany , : U.S.
lecturers, M. Broy ... [et al.] ; edited by Manfred Broy and Gunther Schmidt
D. Reidel c1982 NATO advanced study institutes series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 91
editors A.T. Welford, James E. Birren
Arno Press 1980, c1969 Growing old , Interdisciplinary topics in gerontology vol. 4
edited by Peter Naur, Brian Randell, J. N. Buxton
Petrocelli/Charter 1976
the report of a NATO Science Committee conference held at Turnberry, Scotland, 1st-5th March, 1976 ; editor, Eugene G. Kovach
Pergamon Press [1976]
edited by I.N. McCave
Plenum Press c1976
editor, Eugene G. Kovach
Scientific Affairs Division, North Atlantic Treaty Organization [1975]
edited by A.D. McIntyre and C.F. Mills
Springer c1975 Environmental science research v. 7
Pergamon 1974
[edited by] D.J. Clough, C.G. Lewis [and] A.L. Oliver
English Universities Press , Crane, Russak 1974
: uk , : us
Wolfgang Händler, Joseph Weizenbaum, editors ; contributors, D. Bitzer ・・・ [et al.]
Crane, Russak 1972
editor J. Brennan
English Universities Press 1972
edited by Constantin J. Macris
D. Reidel c1971 Astrophysics and space science library v. 27
Edited by M.G. Kendall
English Universities Press 1971