Whitmore, Timothy Charles
ホイットモア, T. C.
Whitmore, Timothy C.
Timothy C. Whitmore ; with contributions by Peter S. Ashton ... [et al.] ; edited by Mark J.E. Coode & Petra Hoffman
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2008
: pbk
editors, Robin L. Chazdon and T.C. Whitmore
University of Chicago Press 2002
: cloth , : pbk
M.F. Newman, P.F. Burgess, T.C. Whitmore
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1999 Limited ed. print-out from CD-ROM Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters
pt. 1 , pt. 2
M.F. Newman, P.F. Burgess, T.C. Whitmore ; penerjemah, Ratna Rosiana Budiman
PROSEA Indonesia 1999
M.F. Newman, P.F. Burgess, T.C. Whitmore ; penerjemah, N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto
M.F. Newman, P.F. Burgess, T.C. Whitmore ; penerjemah, Edy Nasriadi Sambas
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1998 Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters
T.C. Whitmore
Oxford University Press 1998 2nd ed
: hbk , : pbk
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh , Center for International Forestry Research 1996 Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1996 Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1995 Manuals of dipterocarps for foresters
T.C. ホイットモア著 ; 熊崎実, 小林繁男監訳
築地書館 1993.9
ELBS with Oxford University Press 1993
edited by T.C. Whitmore and J.A. Sayer
Chapman & Hall 1992
T.C. Whitmore ; dengan satu bab tentang tanah oleh C.P. Burnham ; penterjemah, Noraini Mohd. Tamin
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 1991 Cet. 1
the World Conservation Union
Simon & Schuster c1991-c1996
Asia and the Pacific , Africa , The Americas
Macmillan Press 1991-
Asia and the Pacific , Africa
edited by A. Gómez-Pompa, T.C. Whitmore, and M. Hadley
U.N.E.S.C.O. , Parthenon Pub. Group 1991 Man and the biosphere series 6
: us , : fr , : uk
compiled by K. Sidiyasa ... [et al.] ; edited by T.C. Whitmore, I G.M. Tantra and U. Sutisna
Ministry of Forestry, Agency for Forestry Research and Development, Forest Research & Development Centre 1990
pt. 1 , pt. 2.1 , pt. 2.2