Moore, George Augustus
Rhone, Lady
ムア, ジョージ(ムア, ジョージ)
越生文化主编 ; 陈平原执行主编
商務印書館 [2020.7] [第1版] 中国近代文献保护工程
A.C.ドイル, H.メルヴィルほか著 ; 利根川真紀, 磯部哲也, 山田久美子訳
平凡社 2016.8 平凡社ライブラリー 844
George Moore ; introduction and notes by Stephen Regan
Oxford University Press 2012 New ed Oxford world's classics
: pbk
Literary Licensing [2011]
ポプラ社 2010.12 百年文庫 55
edited by Mark Llewellyn
Pickering & Chatto 2007 The Pickering masters . { The collected short stories of George Moore : gender and genre / general editors, Ann Heilman and Mark Llewellyn ; consulting editor, Adrian Frazier } ; v. 5
edited by Ann Heinmann
Pickering & Chatto 2007 The Pickering masters . { The collected short stories of George Moore : gender and genre / general editors, Ann Heilman and Mark Llewellyn ; consulting editor, Adrian Frazier } ; v. 4
Pickering & Chatto 2007 The Pickering masters . { The collected short stories of George Moore : gender and genre / general editors, Ann Heilman and Mark Llewellyn ; consulting editor, Adrian Frazier } ; v. 3
edited by Ann Heilmann
Pickering & Chatto 2007 The Pickering masters . { The collected short stories of George Moore : gender and genre / general editors, Ann Heilman and Mark Llewellyn ; consulting editor, Adrian Frazier } ; v. 2
Pickering & Chatto 2007 The Pickering masters . { The collected short stories of George Moore : gender and genre / general editors, Ann Heilman and Mark Llewellyn ; consulting editor, Adrian Frazier } ; v. 1
Edward Elgar
[Höflich] 2006 Repertoire explorer
楽譜(印刷) (ミニチュアスコア)
by W.B. Yeats and George Moore ; edited by J.C.C. Mays
Cornell University Press 2005 The Cornell Yeats
: hbk
ジョージ・ムア著 ; 安達正訳
彩流社 2005.5
by George Moore ; with an introduction by Richard Allen Cave
Colin Smythe 2000
George Moore ; edited with an introduction by David Skilton
Oxford University Press 1999 Oxford world's classics
ジョージ・ムア著 ; 林木博美訳
英宝社 1999.9
chosen, with an introduction by David B. Eakin and Michael Case
Colin Smythe , Catholic University of America Press 1995 Irish drama selections 8
: uk : [hbk.] , : uk : pbk
George Moore ; with an introduction by James Plunkett
Appletree Press 1992 Classic Irish novels / general editor, John Cronin
George Moore
Hon-no-tomosha 1992 復刻版 Irish prose writings : Swift to the Literary Renaissance / selected and introduced by Terence Brown and Brendan Kennelly ; in association with Trinity College Library Dublin 21
Sutton 1990 Pocket classics