Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, Petr Hajek, editors
Springer c2023 International series in operations research & management science v. 336
Jan Stejskal, Petr Hajek, Oto Hudec, editors
Springer c2018 Advances in spatial science
Petr Hájek, Pavel Pudlák
Association for Symbolic Logic : Cambridge University Press c2016 Perspectives in logic
Petr Hájek, Michal Johanis
De Gruyter c2014 De Gruyter series in nonlinear analysis and applications 19
edited by Petr Cintula, Petr Hájek and Carles Noguera
College Publications c2011 Studies in logic / series editor, Dov Gabbay v. 37-38
v. 1 : pbk , v. 2 : pbk
Marián Fabian ... [et al.]
Springer c2011 CMS books in mathematics
Peter Hajek
Nova Science Publishers c2010 Financial institutions and services
: softcover
Petr Hájek... [et al.]
Springer c2008 CMS books in mathematics 26
edited by Petr Hájek, Luis Valdés-Villanueva, Dag Westerståhl
King's College Publications c2005
edited by Samuel R. Buss, Petr Hájek, Pavel Pudlák
Association for Symbolic Logic , A K Peters, Ltd. c2000 Lecture notes in logic 13
: hard , : pbk
Petr Hájek
Springer-Sciene+Business Media, B.V. 1998 Trends in logic : studia logica library v. 4
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1998 Trends in logic : studia logica library v.4
Edited by Petr Hájek
CRC Press c1996 Lecture notes in logic 6
Petr Hájek (ed.)
Springer c1996 Lecture notes in logic 6
Jiří Wiedermann, Petr Hájek (eds.)
Springer-Verlag c1995 Lecture notes in computer science 969
: gw
Springer-Verlag c1993 Perspectives in mathematical logic
: gw : softcover , : us
authors, Petr Hájek, Tomáš Havránek, Radim Jiroušek
CRC Press c1992
P. Hájek, T. Havránek
Springer-Verlag 1978 Universitext
[by] Petr Vopěnka and Petr Hájek
North-Holland 1972 Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics v. 70
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1997-