John Stow ; with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Adamant Media c2005 Elibron classics series
v. 1 : pbk.
reprinted from the text of 1603, with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Clarendon Press : Oxford University Press 2000 Reprint Oxford scholarly classics
v. 2
edited and introduced by Christine Carpenter
Cambridge University Press c1996
: pbk
by T.A. Archer and Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Research Publications 1995 [Microfiche ed.] Western books : the Middle East from the rise of Islam unit 3, fiches 2214-2119
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
by T.A. Archer & C. L. Kingsford ; introduction by Refaquat Ali Khan
Akashdeep Publishing House 1992 Reprint [ed.] Encyclopaedic history of world civilization v. 40
edited, for The Royal Historical Society, from the original documents in The Public Record Office by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
s. n. 198-] Camden third series 29-30
Vol. l , Vol. 2
Clarendon Press 1971
v. 1 , v. 2
C.L. Kingsford
Frank Cass 1962 1st ed. reprinted
University Press 1925
by C.L. Kingsford
The Clarendon Press 1925
H.M.S.O. 1925-1966 Historical Manuscripts Commission 77
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6
Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Putnam 1923 New ed Heroes of the nations
Offices of the Society 1919 Camden third series v. 29-30
by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
G. Bell 1913 English history in contemporary poetry v. 2
At the Clarendon Press 1913
edited by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Clarendon Press 1911
by John Stow ; reprinted from the text of 1603, with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
Clarendon Press 1908
with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
edited with introduction and notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
The Clarendon Press 1905
Putnam 1901 Heroes of the nations