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von Johann Albrecht Philippi ; eingeleitet von Keith Tribe
Keip 1997 Naturrecht und Rechtsphilosophie in der Neuzeit : Studien und Materialien Bd. 4
Available at 6 libraries
edited by Keith Tribe
Routledge 1997 Routledge studies in the history of economics 15
Available at 36 libraries
Herbert Matis . Erich W. Streissler, Monika Streissler . Keith Tribe
Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen c1997 Klassiker der Nationalökonomie . Vademecum zu einem Klassiker Absolutistischer Wirtschaftspolitik
Available at 45 libraries
Keith Tribe
Cambridge University Press 1995 Ideas in context / edited by Quentin Skinner (general editor) ... [et al.] 33
Available at 38 libraries
Bertram Schefold . Heinz Rieter . Josef Wysocki . Keith Tribe
Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen c1993 Klassiker der Nationalökonomie , Vademecum zu einem Klassiker des Kameralismus
Available at 44 libraries
edited by Alon Kadish and Keith Tribe
Routledge 1993
Available at 25 libraries
Gerold Ambrosius, William H. Hubbard ; translated by Keith Tribe and William H. Hubbard
Harvard University Press 1989
: pbk
Available at 52 libraries
Routledge 1989 Economy and society
Available at 40 libraries
Cambridge University Press 1988
Available at 31 libraries
Otto Kirchheimer and Franz Neumann ; edited by Keith Tribe ; translated by Leena Tanner and Keith Tribe
Allen & Unwin 1987
Available at 33 libraries
edited by Athar Hussain and Keith Tribe ; translations by Ben Fowkes
Macmillan 1984
Available at 17 libraries
Athar Hussain, Keith Tribe
Macmillan 1983 2nd ed
Macmillan Press 1981
v. 1 , v. 2
Available at 13 libraries
Humanities Press 1981
Available at 4 libraries
Available at 1 libraries
Macmillan 1981
Available at 19 libraries
Macmillan 1981 Marxism and the agrarian question / Athar Hussain, Keith Tribe v. 2
Macmillan 1981 Marxism and the agrarian question / Athar Hussain, Keith Tribe v. 1
Available at 30 libraries
Routledge & K. Paul 1978
Available at 16 libraries