Murray, Henry A.
Murray, H. A.
Henry A. Murray ; foreword by Dan P. McAdams
Oxford University Press 2008 70th anniversary ed
Harvard University Press c1971
deited by Clyde Kluckhohn, Henry A. Murray, with the collaboration of David M. Schneider
Knopf 1971
Henry A. Murray ... [et. al.] ; edited by Howard P. Vincent
Kent State University Press c1968 Melville annual 1966 , Kent studies in English 7
edited and with an introduction by Henry A. Murray
Beacon Press 1968, c1960 Beacon paperback 307
[by] Henry A. Murray ... [et al.] ; edited by Howard P. Vincent
Kent State University Press c1966 [1st ed] Melville annual 1965 , Kent studies in English 3
[by] Henry A. Murray [and others] Edited by Howard P. Vincent
Kent State University Press [c1966] private reproduction Melville annual 1965 , Kent studies in English 3
edited by Clyde Kluckhohn and Henry A. Murray ; with the collaboration of David M. Schneider
Alfred A. Knopf 1964, c1953 2nd ed., rev. and enl
by the workers at the Harvard Psychological Clinic ; Henry A. Murray ... [et al.]
Science Editions 1962
マァレー編 ; 外林大作訳編
誠信書房 1961.6-1962.4
1 , 2
G. Braziller 1960
by H. A. Murray
[Elliot 1954] Elliot right way books
Henry A. Murray ; traduit de l'anglais par André Ombredane et Nicole Chevalier
Presses universitaires de France 1954 Bibliothèque scientifique internationale Sciences humaines. Section psychologie . Exploration de la personnalité 2
Knopf 1953 2nd ed.,rev. and enl.
Presses universitaires de France 1953 Bibliothèque scientifique internationale Sciences humaines. Sections Psychologie. Exploration de la personnalité 1
Jonathan Cape 1953 2nd ed. rev. and enl
edited by Clyde Kluckhohn and Henry A. Murray
Alfred A. Knopf 1953 2nd ed., rev. and enl
A.A. Knopf 1952 2nd ed, rev. and enl Borzoi books
Henry A. Murrary ; introducción Jaime Bernstein ; [traducción de Delia Carnelli]
Editorial Paidós c1951 Biblioteca de psicometría volumen 5
[text] , [plates]
Herman Melville ; edited by Henry A. Murray
Hendricks House 1949