Great Britain. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Royal Gardens, Kew
Kew Gardens
Kew, Eng. Royal Botanic Gardens
Hortus Regius Botanicus Kewensis
Royal Kew (Botanic gardens)
edited by Gemma Bramley, Anna Trias Blasi and Richard Wilford
Kew Pub., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew c2023
エド・アイキン著 ; 清水晶子訳
河出書房新社 2022.4
金成希, 湊麻里, 渡邊真里翻訳
東京書籍 2019.8
Smithsonian in association with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ; senior editor, Helen Fewster ; US editors, Megan Douglass, Karyn Gerhard ; contributors, Jamie Ambrose ... [et al.]
DK Publishing 2018 1st American ed
Kew Publishing 2018
illustrated by Katie Scott ; written by Kathy Willis ; edited by Katie Haworth
Big Picture Press 2016 Welcome to the museum
スチュアート・デュラント, クリストファー・ミルズ, 大場秀章著
イングリッシュ・ガーデン出版委員会 2014.4
求龍堂 2014.5
Diana Everett ; with contributions from Michael F. Fay, Maarten J.M. Christenhusz and Richard Wilford
Kew Publishing 2013 A botanical magazine monograph
: hbk
general editor, Leon Gray ; from original texts by V.H. Heywood ... [et al.]
Kew Pub., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2011
W. John Kress and Shirley Sherwood
Kew Publishing 2009
hbk. , pbk.
Rafaël Govaerts and David A. Simpson with Jeremy Bruhl ... [et al.]
Kew Pub., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2007
: pbk
Thomas G. Lammers
Royal Botanic Gardens 2007 World checklist and bibliographies 7
Ray Desmond ; foreword by Stephen D. Hopper
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew c2007 2nd ed
by Iain Darbyshire
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2006 Flora of tropical East Africa
edited by Anthony Cunningham, Bruce Campbell and Brian Belcher
Earthscan 2005 People and plants conservation series / editer, Martin Walters ; originator, Alan Hamilton
Tim Upson and Susyn Andrews ; with illustrations by Georita Harriott, Christabel King and Joanna Langhorne
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2004 A botanical magazine monograph
written by David Burnie
Dorling Kindersley 2003 Eyewitness guides , A Dorling Kindersley book
Marion R. Cooper, Anthony W. Johnson, Elizabeth A. Dauncey ; in association with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Medical Toxicology Unit, Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust
TSO 2003 2nd ed
by Martin J.S. Sands
Published on behalf of the East African governments by A.A. Balkema 2003 Flora of tropical East Africa