Tomlinson, Henry Major
Thomas Burke . H. Charles Tomlinson & H.M. Tomlinson . Horace Thorogood
Athena Press 2024 Athena sources in urban history . Modern London, 1900-1940 ; part 13
edited by H.M. Tomlinson
Spring Books 1967
H.M. Tomlinson ; with new introd. by V.S. Pritchett
Time Incorporated c1964 Time reading program special edition
Charles Dickens . Sir Walter Scott . H.M. Tomlinson
L.W. Singer c1956 The prose and poetry individualized program
G. Duckworth 1953
made by Kenneth Hopkins
Hutchinson 1953
H.M. Tomlinson
Penguin Books 1953 Penguin books 898
by H.M. Tomlinson
Penguin Books 1952 Penguin books 869
Hutchinson 1952 Enlarged and revised
H.M. Tomlinson ; with 31 pages of photographs by Charles Tomlinson
Cassell 1951 Enlarged and completely revised
Duckworth [1950]
by H. M. Tomlinson
Rupert Hart-Davis 1949 The Mariners library 6
T.M. Tomlinson
The Macmillan Co 1947, c1946
Duckworth 1943 [2nd ed.]
H・M・トムリンソン著 ; 吉武好孝譯
新潮社 1942.12 世界探檢紀行叢書
by H.M.Tomlinson
Bernhard Tauchnitz c1938 Tauchnitz edition of British and American authors vol. 5320
by H.M. Tomlinson ; with foreword by Henry Seidel Canby
Harper c1938
Book Club 1937
Harper & Bros. 1937