Roberts, Benjamin Charles
edited by B.C. Roberts
C. Helm c1985
by B.C. Roberts
Greenwood Press [1982], c1959
edited by Benjamin C. Roberts
Allanheld, Osmun c1979
authors, Benjamin C. Roberts, Hideaki Okamoto, George C. Lodge
Trilateral Commission c1979 The Triangle papers 18
Croom Helm c1979
edited by Fabio Basagni and François Sauzey ; with a commentary by Benjamin C. Roberts
Atlantic Institute for International Affairs c1976 The Atlantic papers 1975
by J. T. Murphy ; with an introduction by J. R. Campbell. Preparing for power : a critical study of the history of the British working-class movement / by J. T. Murphy ; with foreword by Sir Stafford Cripps. The General Strike of 1926 : a history / by John Murray ; with a foreword by William Gallacher. Labour in transition : a survey of British industrial history since 1914 / by William Aylott Orton. Sane trade unionism / W. V. Osborne. The shop stewards' movement and workers' control 1910-1922 / by Branko Pribićević. The law versus the trade unions / by D. N. Pritt and Richard Freeman. The story of trade unionism : from the combination acts to the General Strike / by Robert M. Rayner. The trade union congress, 1868-1901 / B. C. Roberts
World Microfilms Publications c1973
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
by George Loveless. A short history of the T. U. C. / John Lovell and B. D. Roberts. Marx and the trade unions / A. Lozovsky. The closed shop in Britain / W. E. J. McCarthy. Syndicalism : a critical examination / J. Ramsay Macdonald. The "new" trades unionism : a reply to Mr. George Shipton / by Tom Mann & Ben Tillett. The British public and the general strike / Kingsley Martin. A short hisotry of labour in Scotland / W. H. Marwick. Trade unions and the state / W. Milne-Bailey. Trade unionism and the trade union bill / by Ramsay Muir ; with an appendix on the legal position of trade unions / by W. A. Jowitt , A. D. McNair and Hubert Phillips. The Luddites and other essays / edited by Lionel M. Munby ; with an introd. by Eric J. Hobsbawm
B.C. Roberts ... [et al.]
Heinemann Educational 1972 London school of economics industrial relations series
R.O. Clarke, D.J. Fatchett and B.C. Roberts
edited by B. C. Roberts
Methuen 1968 Revised ed University paperbacks
: pbk
Methuen 1968 Revised ed
[by] John Lovell and B.C. Roberts
Macmillan c1968
Macmillan , St. Martin's Press 1968
by B.C. Roberts and L. Greyfié de Bellecombe
Macmillan 1967
edited by B.C. Roberts and J.H. Smith
[Published for] the London School of Economics and Political Science [by] G. Bell 1966
Duke University Press 1964
B.C. Roberts
London School of Economics & Political Science : Bell 1964
Methuen 1962
Published for the Institute of Economic Affairs by Hutchinson 1962 2nd ed