Fokkema, D. W. (Douwe Wessel)
(荷)佛克马著 ; 季进, 聂友军译
北京大学出版社 2011.7 当代文学史研究丛书 / 程光炜主编
(荷)杜威・佛克马(Douwe Fokkema), (荷)弗朗斯・格里曾豪特(Frans Grijzenhout)编著 ; 王浩, 张晓红, 谢永祥译
广西师范大学出版社 2007.2 荷兰文化文学丛书
: [精装]
edited by Elrud Ibsch ; in cooperation with Douwe Fokkema and Joachim von der Thüsen
Rodopi 2000 Textxet : studies in comparative literature 27 . Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association "Literature as cultural memory" ; v. 3
D.W. Fokkema, Elrud Kunne-Ibsch
edited by Hans Bertens, Douwe Fokkema
J. Benjamins c1997 Histoire comparée des littératures de langues européennes = A comparative history of literatures in European languages v. 11
: us , : us: pbk. , : eur , : eur: pbk.
edited by Halina Janaszek-Ivaničková, in co-operation with Douwe Wessel Fokkema
Śląsk 1996
(荷)D.佛克马(Douwe Fokkema),(荷)E.蚁布思(Elrud Ibsch)讲演, 兪国強译
北京大学出版社 1996.6 北大学術講演叢書 3
edited by Harald Hendrix ... [et al.]
John Benjamins c1996
Eur. , US
(荷兰)佛克马, (荷兰)伯顿斯编 ; 王宁[等]译
北京大学出版社 1991.5 文艺美学丛书 / 文艺美学丛书编辑委员会编
佛克馬, 蟻布思合著
中文大學出版社 1988 第2版
Douwe Fokkema, Elrud Ibsch
C. Hurst 1988
C. Hurst c1987
edited by Matei Calinescu and Douwe Fokkema
J. Benjamins 1987 Utrecht publications in general and comparative literature v. 23
alk. paper
edited by Douwe Fokkema & Hans Bertens
Benjamins 1986 Utrecht publications in general and comparative literature v. 21
pbk. : alk. paper
volume editor, Douwe W. Fokkema ; assistant to editor, Edward C. Smith III
Garland Pub. 1985 Proceedings of the Xth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association = Actes du Xe Congrès de l'Association internationale de littérature comparée / coordinating editor, Anna Balakian ; publications editor, James J. Wilhelm v.1
Douwe W. Fokkema
J. Benjamins 1984 Utrecht publications in general and comparative literature v. 19 , The Harvard University Erasmus lectures spring 1983
: pbk
D. W. Fokkema, Elrud Kunne-Ibsch
C. Hurst 1979 2nd impression, corrected
C. Hurst , St. Martin's Press 1978
C. Hurst 1977
: cased , : paper
door Douwe Wessel Fokkema
Mouton 1965