Coffman, Edward Grady
Coffman, Edward Grady, Jr.
edited by Philippe Chrétienne, Edward G. Coffman Jr., Jan Karel Lenstra and Zhen Liu
John Wiley & Sons 1995
edited by E.G. Coffman, Jr., J.K. Lenstra, A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan
North-Holland 1992 Handbooks in operations research and management science / editors, G.L. Nemhauser, A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan v. 3
E.G. Coffman, Jr., George S. Lueker
Wiley c1991 Wiley-Interscience series in discrete mathematics and optimization
E.G.Coffman,Jr., P.J.Denning著 ; 川口喜三男, 藤井護訳
日本コンピュータ協会 1987.4 コンピュータ・サイエンス研究書シリーズ / 日本コンピュータ協会編 30
by O.I. Aven, E.G. Coffman, Jr. and Y.A. Kogan
Reidel c1987 Mathematics and its applications
edited by E. G. Coffman, Jr. ; coauthors, J. L. Bruno ... [et al.]
Wiley c1976
Edward G. Coffman, Jr., Peter J. Denning
Prentice-Hall c1973 Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation
by J. Bruno and E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1970 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 87
by A. Shoshani & E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1969 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 80
A. Shoshani and E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1969 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 78
by R.R. Muntz and E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1968 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 68
R.R. Muntz, E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1968 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 63
Peter Weiner, John Hopcroft
Princeton University 1968 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 61
A.C. McKellar and E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1968 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 59
E.G. Coffman
Princeton University 1968 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 73
E.G. Coffman and L.C. Varian
Princeton University 1967 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 56
E.G. Coffman and A.C. McKellar
Princeton University 1967 Technical report / Digital Systems Laboratory no. 55