Barrett, Oliver Boyd-
Oliver Boyd-Barrett
SAGE 2015
: pbk , : hardback
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Chris Newbold
Rawat Publications 2012 Foundations in media
Oliver Boyd-Barrett, David Herrera, and Jim Baumann
Routledge 2012, c2011 Media, war and security / series editors, Andrew Hoskins and Oliver Boyd-Barrett
: pbk
Routledge 2011 Media, war and security / series editors, Andrew Hoskins and Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Bloomsbury Academic 2010 Foundations in media
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
J. Libbey Pub. c2006
edited by Chris Newbold, Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Hilde Van den Bulck
Arnold , Co-published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 2002
: hb , : pb
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Terhi Rantanen
Sage Publications 1998
Arnold , Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press 1995 Foundations in media
: hbk , : pbk
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Pamela O'Malley
Routledge 1995 International developments in school reform
edited by David Graddol and Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Multilingual Matters in association with The Open University c1994 Language and literacy in social context
:hbk. , :pbk.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Daya Kishan Thussu
J. Libbey c1992 Acamedia research monograph 8
edited by Manuel Alvarado and Oliver Boyd-Barrett
British Film Institute 1992
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Eileen Scanlon
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. in association with the Open University c1991 Open University set book
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Peter Braham at the Open University
Routledge in association with the Open University 1990 Open University set book
prepared for the course team by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Open University Press c1987 Communication and education block 6 . Communication, media and society ; unit 18-19
prepared for the course team by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Neil Mercer
Open University Press c1987 Communication and education unit 1
Croom Helm in association with the Open University c1987 Open University set book
[produced by] Meg Sheffield
Open University , ジエムコ 1986 , 1988 Communication and education EH207-06
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (カセット))
edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett ... [et al.]
Harper & Row in association with the Open University 1983