オーシマ, ハリー T.
オオシマ, Harry タツミ
Oshima, H. T. (Harry Tatsumi)
Oshima, Harry Tatsumi
Ōsima, Harry Tatumi
Harry T. Oshima
East-West Center 1994 East-West Center working papers . Economics and politics series ; no. 2
editors Henry G. Burger, Hiroyuki Oshima
Ares-Serono Symposia c1993 Serono symposia review no. 29
Johns Hopkins University Press c1993 The Johns Hopkins studies in development
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University 1991 Discussion paper series / Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University B ; 9
Ismael Getubig, Jr., Harry T. Oshima, editors
Asian and Pacific Development Centre c1991
ハリー・T・オーシマ著 ; 渡辺利夫, 小浜裕久監訳
勁草書房 1989.10
University of Tokyo Press c1987
by Harry T. Oshima
Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1986 Discussion paper / University of the Philippines, School of Economics no. 86-14
Asian Development Bank c1984 Asian Development Bank economic staff paper no. 21
Asian Development Bank c1983 Asian Development Bank economic staff paper no. 20
Philippine Institute for Development Studies 1982
Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1979 Discussion paper / University of the Philippines, School of Economics no. 79-2
Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1979 Discussion paper / University of the Philippines, School of Economics no. 79-1
Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1978 Discussion paper / University of the Philippines, School of Economics no. 78-3
editors Harry T. Oshima and Toshiyuki Mizoguchi
Council for Asian Manpower Studies , IADRPHU, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University 1978
by Harry T. Oshima and Gerard Rikken
Council for Asian Manpower Studies 1976 Discussion paper series / Council for Asian Manpower Studies no.76-05(April, 1976)
by Yung C. Shang, William H. Albrecht, Glenn Ifuku ; Harry T. Oshima, consultant
Economic Research Center, University of Hawaii 1970
By Yung-Cheng Shang ... [et al.] ; Harry T. Oshima, consultant
Economic Research Center, University of Hawaii 1967 Preliminary and tentative [ed.]
v. 1 , v. 2
by Harry T. Oshima and Mitsuo Ono
Economic Research Center, University of Hawaii 1965
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Stanford University 1961