Crawford, Michael
Crawford, Michael Hewson
Crawford, M. H. (Michael Hewson)
by Michael H. Crawford
Cambridge University Press 2019
v.2, pbk.
v.1, pbk.
Olivier de Cazanove, Sophie Féret, Annamaria Caravelli ; avec la collaboration de Stéphane Bourdin, Michael H. Crawford et Martine Dewailly
École française de Rome 2014 Collection de l'École française de Rome 483 . Civita di Tricarico ; 2
P.A. Brunt ; edited by Miriam Griffin and Alison Samuels ; with the assistance of Michael Crawford
Oxford University Press 2013
edited by M.H. Crawford with W.M. Broadhead ... [et al.] ; & computing by E. Bissa & G. Bodard
Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London 2011 Bulletin supplement / University of London, Institute of Classical Studies 110
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
edited by Fay Glinister & Claire Woods with J.A. North & M.H. Crawford
Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London 2007 Bulletin supplement / University of London, Institute of Classical Studies 93
Mary Beard & Michael Crawford
Duckworth 1999 2nd ed
edited by M.H. Crawford, with contributions by J.D. Cloud ... [et al.]
Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London 1996 Bulletin supplement / University of London, Institute of Classical Studies 64
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
edited by M.H. Crawford and C.R. Ligota
Warburg Institute, University of London 1995 Warburg Institute colloquia 2
edited by M.H. Crawford
Warburg Institute, University of London 1993 Warburg Institute surveys and texts 24
Mary Beard, Michael Crawford ; traduit par Emmanuel Pailler ; présenté par Jean-Marie Pailler
Presses Universitaires du Mirail c1993 Amphi 7 . histoire
edited by M.H. Crawford, C.R. Ligota and J.B. Trapp
The Warburg Institute, University of London 1990 Warburg Institute surveys and texts 21
Duckworth 1985
hard , pbk
Cornell University Press 1985
Michael H. Crawford
University of California Press c1985 The Library of numismatics
Methuen 1985 The Library of numismatics
Michael Crawford
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag 1984 dtv-Geschichte der Antike / hrsg. von Oswyn Murray 4404
Michael Crawford, David Whitehead
Cambridge University Press 1983
: pbk
edited by Michael Crawford ; with contributions from Emilio Gabba, Fergus Millar, Anthony Snodgrass
Cambridge University Press 1983 The sources of history : studies in the uses of historical evidence
Harvard University Press c1978