Breasted, James H.
Breasted, J. H.
Bristid, Zhīms Hinrī
translated and edited by James Henry Breasted ; introduction by Peter A. Piccione
University of Illinois Press 2001
v. 1 : pbk , v. 2 : pbk , v. 3 : pbk , v. 4 : pbk , v. 5 : pbk
تأليف جيمس هنري برستد ; ترجمة حسن كمال ; راجعه وصححه محمد حسنين الغمراوي بك
مكتبة مدبولي 1996 الطبعة 2 صفحات من تاريخ مصر 4
collected, edited and translated with commentary, by James Henry Breasted
Histories & Mysteries of Man 1988
: set , v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5
in translations by James H. Breasted, ... [et al.] ; with a brief bibliography by James H. Breasted ; with an historical survey and descriptions by Charles F. Horne
Mittal Publications 1987 The sacred books and early literature of the East : with historical surveys of the chief writings of each nation / editorship of a staff of specialists directed by Charles F. Horne v. 2
by James Henry Breasted
The Classics of Medicine Library c1984 The classics of medicine library
compiled by Ruth Marcanti
University of Chicago Press c1977 A University of Chicago Press text-fiche
University of Chicago Press 1975 A University of Chicago Press text-fiche
v. 1 , v. 2
James Henry Breasted ; introduction by John A. Wilson
University of Pennsylvania Press 1972 Pennsylvania paperback 45
James Henry Breasted
P. Smith 1970
by J.H. Breasted ... [et al.] ; edited by E.H. Carter
Books for Libraries Press 1968 Essay index reprint series
Scribner [1968, c1933] The Scribner library SL 144
Bantam Books 1967, c1937 Bantam matrix editions . History ; DM4200
James H. Breasted and Carl F. Huth
Denoyer-Geppert 1963 Denoyer-Geppert social science maps / compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair B2
地図資料 (地図)
by James H. Breasted and Carl F. Huth
Denoyer-Geppert [c1963?] Denoyer-Geppert social science maps / compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair B6
Denoyer-Geppert [c1963?] Denoyer-Geppert social science maps / compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair B1
Denoyer-Geppert 1962 Denoyer-Geppert social science maps / compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair B16
Russell 1962
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5
Denoyer-Geppert 1961 Denoyer-Geppert social science maps / compiled and drawn by R. Baxter Blair B5
Harper & Brothers 1959 Harper torchbooks TB 57 . Cloister library
J.H. Breasted ; Deutsch von Hermann Ranke
Phaidon c1954