Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, "Rhetor"
Seneca, the Elder, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D
Seneca, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D
Seneca, Rhetor, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D
Seneca, Annaeus, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D
Seneca, Marcus Annaeus, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D
Seneca, il vecchio
herausgegeben von Francesco Citti, Biagio Santorelli und Antonio Stramaglia
De Gruyter c2016 Unveröffentlichte Schriften / Lennart Håkanson Bd. 2
Stefan Feddern
De Gruyter c2013 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaften Beihefte ; n.F., Bd. 4
edited with introduction and commentary by Rolando Ferri
Cambridge University Press 2003 Cambridge classical texts and commentaries v. 41
Seneca the elder ; edited with introduction, translation and notes by William A. Edward
Bristol Classical Press , Available in USA and Canada from Focus Information Group 1996 BCP classic Latin and Greek texts in paperback
Lucius Annaeus Seneca ; eingeleitet, übers. und erl. von Ott und Eva Schönberger
Königshausen & Neumann c1990
L. Annaevs Seneca Maior ; recensvit Lennart Håkanson
B.G. Teubner 1989 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana
Seneca il vecchio ; introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Agostino Zanon Dal Bo
Zanichelli 1986 Prosatori di Roma
[1] , [2]
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1974 The Loeb classical library 464 . The elder Seneca declamations in two volumes / translated by M. Winterbottom ; 2
: us , : uk
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1974 The Loeb classical library 463 . The elder Seneca declamations in two volumes / translated by M. Winterbottom ; 1
translated by M. Winterbottom
Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1974 The Loeb classical library 463-464
v. 1 : us , v. 1 : uk , v. 2 : us , v. 2 : uk
recognovit Adolphus Kiessling
Teubneri 1967, c1966 Ed. stereotype ed. 1 (1872) Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana
edidit H. J. Müller
Georg Olms 1963
recognovit Adolphvs Kiessling
In aedibus B.G. Teubneri 1872 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana
Apud Elzevirios 1649
[t. 1] , t. 2 , t. 3 , [t. 4]
ex vltima Andreæ Schotti recenſione
Apud Antonivm Vitray 1637
Apud Guili J. Caesium 1628