Birmingham. Art Gallery
Birmingham. City Art Gallery
Birmingham, Eng. Museum and Art Gallery
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery [2001]
Eric Clements
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery c2001
edited by Ingrid Ehrhardt and Simon Reynolds ; with contributions by Hans Henrik Brummer ... [et al.] ; [translated from the German by John W. Gabriel and Elisabeth Schwaiger]
Prestel c2000
梅崎雲嶺展実行委員会, [1991]
edited by Benedict Read and Joanna Barnes ; with contributions by John Christian ... [et al.]
Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries 1991 1st ed
edited by Jane Farrington and Evelyn Silber
Lund Humphries in association with Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery 1989 1st ed
edited by Carol Dorrington-Ward
Debrett's Peerage , Viking Press c1978 A Studio book
Arts Council of Great Britain : obtainable from Publications Dept., Arts Council of Great Britain 1975
: HB , : SB
City Museum and Art Gallery [1973?]
Royal Academy of Arts [1973]
by Richard Ormond
City of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 1965
City Museum and Art Gallery Birmingham [1960]
Bemrose & Sons 1939
by David Cox
Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, 1926.
[s.n.] , Printed by Hudson and Son [manufacture] 1923
: pbk
by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, etc.
Government publication, 1913
compiled by Whitworth Wallis and Arthur Bensley Chamberlain
[Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery?] [19--?]
with an introduction by Richard Hancock
Hudson [19--]
Printed at the Guild Press 1899
by F. Rathbone
F. Rathbone 1885