Pritt, Dennis Noėlʹ
Pritt, Denis Nowell
by J. T. Murphy ; with an introduction by J. R. Campbell. Preparing for power : a critical study of the history of the British working-class movement / by J. T. Murphy ; with foreword by Sir Stafford Cripps. The General Strike of 1926 : a history / by John Murray ; with a foreword by William Gallacher. Labour in transition : a survey of British industrial history since 1914 / by William Aylott Orton. Sane trade unionism / W. V. Osborne. The shop stewards' movement and workers' control 1910-1922 / by Branko Pribićević. The law versus the trade unions / by D. N. Pritt and Richard Freeman. The story of trade unionism : from the combination acts to the General Strike / by Robert M. Rayner. The trade union congress, 1868-1901 / B. C. Roberts
World Microfilms Publications c1973
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
by D.N. Pritt
Lawrence and Wishart 1972 Law, class and society / by D.N. Pritt book 4
Lawrence and Wishart 1971 Law, class and society / by D.N. Pritt book 3
Lawrence and Wishart 1971 Law, class and society / by D.N. Pritt book 2
Lawrence and Wishart 1970 Proof Law, class and society / by D.N. Pritt book 1
Lawrence and Wishart 1970 Law, class and society / by D.N. Pritt book 1
Lawrence & Wishart 1970-
D.N. Pritt
Lawrence & Wishart 1969
Seven Seas Publishers 1969 Seven seas books
[D.N. Pritt]
Lawrence & Wishart 1966 The autobiography of D. N. Pritt pt. 3
Lawrence & Wishart 1966 The autobiography of D. N. Pritt pt. 2
[D.N. pritt]
Lawrence & Wishart 1965 The autobiography of D. N. Pritt pt. 1
British Peace Committee [1964?]
Lawrence & Wishart 1963
International Publishers 1963
D・N・プリット, R・フリーマン著 ; 花見忠訳
ダイヤモンド社 1962.7
Labour Monthly [196-] Labour monthly pamphlet
Kongress 1959
by D.N. Pritt and Richard Freeman
Lawrence & Wishart 1958