Lovell, John Christopher



Lovell, John


検索結果5件中 1-5 を表示

  • British trade unions, 1875-1933

    prepared for the Economic History Society by John Lovell

    Macmillan 1977 Studies in economic and social history


  • The victims of Whiggery : being a statement of the persecutions experienced by the Dorchester labourers in 1834

    by George Loveless. A short history of the T. U. C. / John Lovell and B. D. Roberts. Marx and the trade unions / A. Lozovsky. The closed shop in Britain / W. E. J. McCarthy. Syndicalism : a critical examination / J. Ramsay Macdonald. The "new" trades unionism : a reply to Mr. George Shipton / by Tom Mann & Ben Tillett. The British public and the general strike / Kingsley Martin. A short hisotry of labour in Scotland / W. H. Marwick. Trade unions and the state / W. Milne-Bailey. Trade unionism and the trade union bill / by Ramsay Muir ; with an appendix on the legal position of trade unions / by W. A. Jowitt , A. D. McNair and Hubert Phillips. The Luddites and other essays / edited by Lionel M. Munby ; with an introd. by Eric J. Hobsbawm

    World Microfilms Publications c1973

    マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))


  • The world of labour

    G.D.H. Cole

    Harvester Press 1973 [4th ed.] / edited with an introduction and notes by John Lovell Society and the Victorians no. 11


  • A short history of the T.U.C.

    [by] John Lovell and B.C. Roberts

    Macmillan c1968

