Nederlandsch Economisch Instituut
Netherlands Economic Institute
Instituto Holandés de Investigaciones Económicas
Niederländisches Wirtschaftsinstitut
Institut economique néerlandais
Stichting het Nederlands Economisch Instituut
Holenderski Instytut Ekonomiczny
Instituut voor Economische Geschriften (Hague, Netherlands)
Netherlands Economic Institute in cooperation with Ernst & Young
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1993 Regional development studies 6
Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Regional Policies ; Netherlands Economic Institute in cooperation with Ernst & Young
edited by P.S.J. Wymenga
Ministry of Industry, Centre for Data Processing and Analysis (PUSDATA) , Netherlands, Economic Institute 1991
prepared by Netherlands Economic Institute
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , Commission of the European Communities 1988 Deadline 92, a frontier-free Europe
edited by L.H. Klaassen, W.T.M. Molle, J.H.P. Paelinck
Gower c1981 Studies in spatial analysis
Verfasser: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Essen, Nederlands Economisch Instituut, Rotterdam
Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk 1974 Schriftenreihe 46
[by] H.B. Chenery [and others]
Universitaire Pers Rotterdam 1967
par Leland S. Burns ; en collaboration avec le Nederlandsch Economisch Instituut
Dalloz et Sirey 1966 Eurolibri 20 , Collection d'économie et politique régionale 1 . La conversion industrielle en Europe ; 7 . Localisation et aménagement de terrains industriels ; tome 2
[Service des publications des communautés européennes] 1966 Collection d'économie et politique régionale 1 . La conversion industrielle en Europe 7 . Localisation et aménagement de terrains industriels ; t. 2
[Netherlands Economic Institute]
Netherlands Economic Institute, Division of Balanced International Growth 1958 Publication no. 16/58
Netherlands Economic Institute, Division of Balanced International Growth 1958 Publication no. 14/58
by H.C. Bos and L.M. Koyok
Netherlands Economic Institute, Dividion of Balanced International Growth 1958 Publication no. 17/58
Netherlands Economic Institute, Division of Balanced International Growth
Netherlands Economic Institutereg 1956 Publication no. 5/56
by J. Tinbergen, L.H. Klaassen, E.H. Mulder
H.E. Stenfert Kroese 1956
by H. C. Bos
Royal Netherlands Printing-Office H.A.M. Roelants 1956
Netherlands Economic Institute, Division for Balanced International Growth
Netherlands Economic Institute 1955 Publication no. 1/55
edited by the Netherlands Economic Institute
H.E. Stenfert Kroese 1953
door Ch. A. van Manen
M. Nijhoff 1918 Vereeniging Instituut voor Economische Geschriften 1 ; Geshriften ; 1
Division for Balanced International Growth. Netherlands Economic Institute
[s.n.] ?