Bishop, Isabella Bird
Bishop, Isabella Lucy
Bishop, Isabella Lucy Bird
Bishop, Mrs.
Bishop, J. F., Mrs.
Bird, Isabella F.
Bird, Isabella
비숍, I. B.
バード, イサベラ(バード, イサベラ)
バード, ビショップ(バード, ビショップ)
バード, ジショップ(バード, ジショップ)
バード, イザベラ(バード, イザベラ)
伯徳, 伊莎贝拉(バード, イザベラ)
Isabella L. Bird ; with a new introduction to this edition by Pat Barr
Distributed by Heron Books c1971
by Isabella Bird Bishop ; with a preface by Sir Walter C. Hillier
Yonsei University Press 1970 Reprint ed A Series of reprints of Western books on Korea no. 4
with a pref. by Sir Walter C. Hillier ; with illus. from photos. by the author
Yonsei University Press 1970
With a pref. by Sir Walter C. Hillier. With illus. from photos. by the author
イサベラ・エル・バード著 ; 神成利男訳
郷土研究社 1969.7 限定版 郷土研究 臨時増刊
Isabella L. Bird ; with an introduction by Wang Gungwu
Oxford University Press 1967 Oxford in Asia historical reprints
Isabella Lucy Bird ; foreword and notes by Andrew Hill Clark
University of Toronto Press c1966
by Isabella Lucy Bird ; foreword & notes by Andrew Hill Clark
University of Wisconsin Press 1966
Isabella L. Bird
University of Hawaii Press for Friends of the Library of Hawaii 1964
by Isabella L. Bird ; with an introduction by Daniel J. Boorstin
University of Oklahoma Press c1960 The Western frontier library v. 14
by Isabella L. Bird ; with an introd. by Daniel J. Boorstin
University of Oklahoma Press c1960 New ed The Western frontier library v. 14
[バード・ビショップ著] ; 工藤重雄抄譯
東亞經濟時報社 1925.1
Isabella F. Bird
E.P. Dutton [1916] The Wayfarer's library
by Isabella L. Bird
J. Murray 1911 2nd ed.
J. Murray 1911 2nd ed
John Murray 1910 7th ed
Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop
Murray 1906. Popular ed
by Mrs. Bishop (Isabella Bird)
John Murray, 1905 Popular ed
J. Murray 1905
v. 1 , v. 2
Murray 1905 Popular ed.