国際教育局(コクサイ キョウイクキョク)
Bureau international d'éducation
Geneva (Switzerland). International Bureau of Education
Oficina Internacional de Educación
International Bureau of Education, Geneva
Bureau Internacional de Educação
Mezhdunarodnoe bi︠u︡ro po voprosam obrazovanii︠a︡
edited by Cecilia Braslavsky ; in collaboration with Katya Halil
Unesco : International Bureau of Education c2006 Studies in comparative education
prepared by Massimo Amadio
UNESCO : International Bureau of Education 2000
edited by Toshio Ohsako
Unesco, International Bureau of Education c1997 Studies in comparative education
edited by Zaghloul Morsy, Philip G. Altbach
Garland Pub. 1996 Garland reference library of social science v. 1102 , IBE studies on education v. 3
Garland : alk. paper , Unesco : alk. paper
International Bureau of Education 1995
edited by Jacques Hallak, Françoise Caillods
Garland 1995 IBE studies on education , Garland reference library of social science 1032
: us , : sz
edited by Zaghloul Morsy
Garland Pub. 1994 IBE studies on education , Garland reference library of social science v. 995
: Garland acid-free , : Unesco acid-free
prepared for the International Bureau of Education by L.F.B. Dubbeldam ... [et al.]
Unesco 1994 International yearbook of education v. 44, 1994
Georges Tohmé
Joan Freeman ; prepared for the International Bureau of Education
Unesco 1992 Educational sciences
prepared by the Division for the Development of Education, UNESCO for the International Bureau of Education = herausgegeben von der Abteilung Entwicklung des Bildungswesens, UNESCO für das Internationale Erziehungsbüro
UNESCO 1992 IBEdata
prepared for the International Bureau of Education by Daniel A. Wagner
Unesco 1992 International yearbook of education v. 43, 1991
prepared by the International Bureau of Education
UNESCO 1991 5th ed., 1990, rev. and enl IBEdata
Ladislav Ďurič; préparé pour le Bureau international d'éducation
Unesco c1991 Sciences de l'éducation
édité par W.D. Halls ; etude préparée pour le Bureau International d'Éducation ; avec la collaboration de B. Holmes ... [et al.]
Unesco c1990 Sciences de l'éducation
prepared for the International Bureau of Education by Sema Tanguiane
Unesco 1990 International yearbook of education v. 42, 1990
Roger Girod ; prepared for the International Bureau of Education
Jessica Kingsley , Unesco 1990
prepared for the International Bureau of Education by Raymond Sayegh
Unesco 1990 International yearbook of education v. 41, 1989
préparé pour le Bureau international d'education par Raymond Sayegh
Unesco 1989 Annuaire international de l'éducation v. 49