Kuo chi piao chun hua tsu chih
Międzynarodowa Organizacja Normalizacyjna
Organizaţia Internaţională de Standardizare
Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci
Organisation internationale de normalisation
Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ po standartizat︠s︡ii
International Standards Association
国際標準化機構(コクサイ ヒョウジュンカ キコウ)
日本規格協会 2022.4
ISO c2014 1st ed., 2014-09-01 International standard ISO 12913-1 . Acoustics : soundscape ; pt.1
日本規格協会 2021.6
日本規格協会 2021.10 第1版 国際規格 ISO 37002
日本規格協会 2021.10
日本規格協会 2020.2
ISO c2020 3rd ed., 2020-09 International standard ISO 3104
ISO 2020 2nd ed International standard ISO 16610-29 . Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - filtration = Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) - filtrage ; pt. 29
ISO c2020 2nd ed Technical specification ISO/TS16175-2 . Information and documentation = Information et documentation
ISO c2020 2nd ed International standard ISO 30300 . Information and documentation = Information et documentation
ISO c2020 2nd ed International standard ISO16175-1 . Information and documentation = Information et documentation ; pt. 1
ISO c2019 1st ed., 2019-12 Technical specification ISO/TS 12913-3 . Acoustics : soundscape ; pt.3
ISO c2019 1st ed., 2019-08 International standard ISO21110 . Information and documentation = Information et documentation
日本規格協会 2019.7
ISO 2019 International standard ISO 16610-61 . Geometrical product specification (GPS) - filtration = Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) - filtrage ; pt. 61
Amendment 1
ISO c2019 2nd ed International standard ISO 30301 . Information and documentation = Information et documentation
日本規格協会 2019.10
ISO c2018 1st ed., 2018-08 Technical specification ISO/TS 12913-2 . Acoustics : soundscape ; pt.2
日本規格協会 2018.11
International Organization for Standardization , [日本規格協会 (販売)] 2018