Tester, S. J. (S. Jim)



Tester, Jim

テスター, S. J.(テスター, S. J)

テスター, ジム(テスター, ジム)


検索結果17件中 1-17 を表示

  • 西洋占星術の歴史

    S.J. Tester ; 山本啓二訳

    恒星社厚生閣 1997.2


  • A history of western astrology

    S.J. Tester

    Ballantine Books 1989, c1987 1st Ballantine Bks ed


  • A history of western astrology

    S.J. Tester

    Boydell Press 1987

    : pbk


  • The theological tractates ; The consolation of philosophy

    Boethius ; [first work] translation by H.F. Stewart, E.K. Rand and S.J. Tester ; [second work] translation by S.J. Tester

    Harvard University Press [1978?] New ed [Repr.] The Loeb classical library 74


  • The theological tractates ; The consolation of philosophy

    Boethius ; [first work] translation by H.F. Stewart, E.K. Rand and S.J. Tester ; [second work] translation by S.J. Tester

    Harvard University Press 1973 New ed The Loeb classical library 74

    : us


  • The theological tractates ; The consolation of philosophy

    Boethius ; [first work] with an English translation by H.F. Stewart, E.K. Rand and S.J. Tester ; [second work] with an English translation by S.J. Tester

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1973 New ed The Loeb classical library 74

    : us , : uk


  • Technology and religion

    by Henri Queffélec ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1964 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 94 ; secton 9 . The church and the modern world


  • International morality

    by Alferd de Soras ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1963 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 106 ; section 9 . The church and the modern world


  • Science and religion

    by Paul Chauchard ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1962 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 130 ; section 13 . Catholicism and science


  • The Creation

    by Trophime Mouiren ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1962 Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 19 ; section 2 . The basic truths


  • Greek and Roman religion

    by Alain Hus ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1962 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 142 ; section 15 . Non-Christian beliefs


  • Greek and Roman religion

    by Alain Hus

    Burns & Oates 1962 Faith and fact books no. 142 . Non-Christian beliefs


  • Atheism

    by Étienne Borne ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1961 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 91 ; section 9 . The church and the modern world


  • Sacred languages

    by Paul Auvray, Pierre Poulain and Albert Blaise ; translated from the French by J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1960 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 116 ; section 11 . Catholicism and literature


  • The sacred languages

    by Paul Auvray, Pierre Poulain, Albert Blaise ; [this translation ... was made by S.J. Tester]

    Burns & Oates c1960 Faith and fact books 115 . Catholicism and the arts ; sect. 11


  • Medieval Christian philosophy

    by Philippe Delhaye ; translated from the French by S.J. Tester

    Hawthorn Books 1960 1st ed Twentieth century encyclopedia of Catholicism v. 12 ; section 1 . Knowledge and faith


  • Evolution : hypotheses and problems

    by Rémy Collin ; [translated by S.J.Tester]

    Burns & Oates c1959 Faith and fact books 30


