Meisŭn, Edŭwŏdŭ S.
Mason, E. S. (Edward Sagendorph)
Mason, Edward S.
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edited by C.J. Friedrich and Edward S. Mason
University Microfilms International 1997 U.M.I. books on demand
Available at 1 libraries
Edward S. Mason
Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University , University Press of America c1986
pbd. : alk. paper
Available at 4 libraries
Edward S. Mason 金滿堤[ほか]著
韓國開發研究院 1985.4 再版 研究叢書 / 韓國開發研究院 [編] 47
Available at 5 libraries
E.S.メイソン著 ; 平岡謹之助,金川徹,本村輝夫訳
文眞堂 1981.4 改訂版
Available at 18 libraries
Edward S. Mason ... [et al.]
Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University : Distributed by Harvard University Press 1980 Studies in the modernization of the Republic of Korea, 1945-1975 , Harvard East Asian monographs 92
Available at 68 libraries
E.S.メイソン著 ; 平岡謹之助, 金川徹, 本村輝夫訳
文眞堂 1977.6
Available at 61 libraries
Kraus Reprint 1974
1940 , 1941 , 1960
Available at 2 libraries
by Edward S. Mason
AMS Press [1973, c1966] Occasional papers in international affairs no. 13
[by] Edward S. Mason [and] Robert E. Asher
Brookings Institution c1973
Available at 71 libraries
Arno Press 1972 [c1946] World affairs : national and international viewpoints
Available at 10 libraries
Edited by Jesse W. Markham [and] Gustav F. Papanek
Houghton Mifflin [1970]
Available at 20 libraries
エドワードS.メイスン[著] ; 唐渡興宣訳 . M.A.エーデルマン[著] ; 唐渡興宣訳 . J.S.ベイン[著] ; 大谷則義訳 . C.K.ローレイ[著] ; 長尾史郎訳
[一橋大学]独占研究会 1969.3 資料 / [一橋大学]独占研究会[編] No. 5
edited with an introduction by Edward S. Mason
Atheneum 1969
Available at 9 libraries
Atheneum 1967, c1959 Atheneum paperbacks 86
Available at 16 libraries
Center for International Affairs, Harvard University 1966 Occassional papers in international affairs no. 13
E.S.メイソン著 ; 鹿島守之助訳
鹿島研究所出版会 1965.4
Available at 43 libraries
Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Row [c1964] The Elihu Root lectures , Harper colophon books CN403L
: pbk
에드워드 S. 메이슨 著 ; 姜命圭 譯
探求堂 1964.7 探求新書 1
Intercontinental Editions 1964
Atheneum 1964 Atheneum 47