Maquet, Jacques
Jacques J. Maquet
Routledge 2018 African ethnographic studies of the 20th century v. 46
: pbk
Irving Penn
Hatje Cantz c2004
docteur Pierre Maquet, chercheur qualifié du FNRS
Universite de Liege Faculte de Medecine 1998
Jacques Maquet ; tranduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par D. Paulme et S. Le Mao
Éditions Métailié 1993 Collection Traversées
Jacques Maquet
Yale University Press c1986
: [hbk.] , : pbk
by Sidney Mintz, Maurice Godelier, Bruce Trigger ; Jacques Maquet and Nancy Daniels, editors
Published for the UCLA Dept. of Anthropology by Undena Publications 1984 Other realities v. 5
by James Fernandez, Melford Spiro, Milton Singer ; Jacques Maquet, editor
Published for the UCLA Dept. of Anthropology by Undena Publications 1982 Other realities v. 3
Marabout c1981 Marabout université 120
by Joseph Greenberg, Dell Hymes, Paul Friedrich ; Jacques Maquet, editor
Published for the UCLA Dept. of Anthropology by Undena Publications 1980 Other realities v. 2
Ж. Маке ; [перевод с французского Г.А. Матвеевой]
Изд-во "Наука" Глав. реда. восточной лит-ры 1974 Культура народов Востока : материалы и исследования
[General editors: Georges Balandier and Jacques Maquet]
L. Amiel c1974
J.マケ著 ; 小田英郎訳
平凡社 1973.5 世界大学選書 045
by Jacques Maquet ; translated by John F. Locke ; with a preface by F.S.C. Northrop
Greenwood Press 1973, c1951
Jacques Maquet ; translated by Joan R. Rayfield
Oxford University Press 1972
Horizons de France [1972], c1962 3e éd., rev. et mise à jour
Oxford University Press 1972 A galaxy book
Jacques Maquet ; revised and translated by Joan Rayfield
Oxford University Press 1972 A galaxy book GB368
Addison-Wesley c1971 A McCaleb module in anthropology , An Addison-Wesley module
Jacques Maquet ; translated from the French by Jeannette Kupfermann
Weidenfeld & Nicolson c1971 World university library
Hachette c1970 L'Univers des connaissances 62