H., J.
James Harris
Franklin Classics [2018.9.] Scholar select
[by James Harris]
Thoemmes Press 2003 The works of James Harris / with an account of his life and character, by his son the Earl of Malmesbury v. 2
: [set]
Thoemmes Press 2003 The works of James Harris / with an account of his life and character, by his son the Earl of Malmesbury v. 1
with an account of his life and character, by his son the Earl of Malmesbury
Thoemmes Press 2003
Donald Burrows and Rosemary Dunhill
Oxford University Press 2002
James Harris ; with a new introduction by Roy Harris
Routledge/Thoemmes , Kinokuniya 1993 History of linguistics . British linguistics in the eighteenth century
James Harris ; with explanatory remarks by Fumio Nakajima
南雲堂 1982.10 復刻版 A reprint series of books relating to the English language / edited by Takanobu Otsuka v. 12
G. Olms 1976 Anglistica & Americana : a series of reprints / selected by Bernhard Fabian ... [et al.] 159
AMS Press 1975 Language, man, and society : foundations of the behavioral sciences . Works / by James Harris ; with a new preface by Karl D. Uitti ; v. 2-3
: set , pt. 1 and 2 , pt. 3
AMS Press 1975 Language, man, and society : foundations of the behavioral sciences . { Works / by James Harris ; with a new preface by Karl D. Uitti } ; v. 1
: set , :
Harris (J.)
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
James Harris ; traduction et remarques par François Thurot (1796) ; édition, introduction et notes par André Joly
Droz 1972 Langue et cultures 4
Garland Pub. 1971
Nan'un-do 1971 A reprint series of books relating to the English language / edited by Takanobu Otsuka v. 12
Garland Pub. 1970
Scolar Press 1967 A Scolar Press facsimile
with an account of his life and character by his son, the Earl of Malmesbury
Printed by Luke Hansard, for F. Wingrave 1801
v. 1 , v. 2
by Iames Harris Esq
Printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse ... 1799 A new edition