Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R. Weschler and Fred Massarik
Routledge 2013, c1961 Routledge library editions . Organizations : theory & behaviour ; v. 27
Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R. Weschler, Fred Massarik
Garland 1987 Continuity in administrative science . Ancestral books in the management of organizations : a 31-volume facsimile series, reproducing classic works in the field / edited by Arthur P. Brief ; v. 22
[edited by] Robert Tannenbaum, Newton Margulies, Fred Massarik, and associates
Jossey-Bass Publishers 1985 1st ed The Jossey-Bass management series , The Jossey-Bass social and behavioral science series
R.タンネンバーム, I.R.ウェッシュラー, F.マサリック著 ; 嘉味田朝功 [ほか] 訳
池田書店 1965.6
[by] Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R. Weschler [&] Fred Massarik
McGraw-Hill c1961 McGraw-Hill series in management
McGraw-Hill c1961
by Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt
University of California 1958 Institute of Industrial Relations. Reprint no. 69
by Irving R. Weschler, Robert Tannenbaum, and John H. Zenger
Adult Education Association of the U.S. c1957 Adult education monographs 2
by Robert Tannenbaum and Fred Massarik
University of California 1950 Institute of Industrial Relations. Reprint no. 14