Lattimore, Richmond
Lattimore, Richmond Alexander
translated by Richmond Lattimore . translated by Mark Griffith
The University of Chicago Press 2013 The complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore Aeschylus ; 2
: paper
[Euripides] ; edited by Peter Burian and Alan Shapiro
Oxford University Press 2010 The Greek tragedy in new translations . The complete Euripides ; v. 2
: pbk
by Richmond Lattimore
The John Hopkins University Press 2003 Johns Hopkins paperbacks
: pbk.
Richmond Alexander Lattimore, William A. Oldfather
Literary Licensing [20--]
translated by Richmond Lattimore
J.M. Dent 1998
Sophocles ; translated by David Grene ; with an introduction by Charles Segal ; and notes by James Hogan ; general editors - David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
David Campbell , Distributed by Random House c1994 [New ed.] Everyman's library 93
A. A. Knopf 1994 Everyman's library ; 93
Euripides ; translated by Richmond Lattimore
Oxford University Press 1992, c1973 Oxford paperbacks , The Greek tragedy in new translations
edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 3,4
v. 3 , v. 4
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 2
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 1
translated from the Greek by Richmond Lattimore
Mandarin Paperbacks 1991
University of Chicago Press 1991- 2nd ed The Complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
v. 1 : pbk , v. 3 : pbk
Translated with an introduction by Richmond Lattimore
HarperPerennial [1991], c1967
Encyclopædia Britannica c1990 2nd ed Great books of the Western World / Mortimer J. Adler, editor in chief 3
P.V. Jones
Southern Illinois University Press c1988
Newly translated from the Greek by Richmond Lattimore
Farrar, Straus and Giroux c1982
University of Chicago Press 1976 2nd ed Phoenix books P33
translated with an introduction by Richmond Lattimore
Harper & Row 1975, c1967 Harper colophon books CN479
Oxford University Press 1974, c1973 The Greek tragedy in new translations