Grene, David
グリーン, デイヴィッド(グリーン, デイヴィッド)
デイヴィッド・グリーン著 ; 飯島昇藏 [ほか] 訳
風行社 2014.9
David Grene
University of Chicago Press 2007
edited by Todd Breyfogle
University of Chicago Press 1999
cloth : alk. paper , pbk. : alk. paper
Stephanie A. Nelson ; with a translation of Hesiod's Works and days by David Grene
Oxford University Press 1998
: pbk.
Sophocles ; translated by David Grene ; with an introduction by Charles Segal ; and notes by James Hogan ; general editors - David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
David Campbell , Distributed by Random House c1994 [New ed.] Everyman's library 93
A. A. Knopf 1994 Everyman's library ; 93
edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 3,4
v. 3 , v. 4
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 2
University of Chicago Press 1992 Centennial ed. The Complete Greek tragedies v. 1
translated and with an introduction by David Grene
University of Chicago Press 1991 2nd ed The Complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
University of Chicago Press 1991- 2nd ed The Complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
v. 1 : pbk , v. 3 : pbk
by Aeschylus ; a new translation for the theater by David Grene and Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty ; with introductions by David Grene, Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, and Nicholas Rudall
University of Chicago Press 1989
: alk. paper , : pbk. : alk. paper
Thucydides ; the complete Hobbes translation, with notes and a new introduction by David Grene
University of Chicago Press 1989 University of Chicago Press ed
Pennsylvania State University Press c1988
Herodotus ; translated by David Grene
University of Chicago Press 1987
: pbk
translated by S. G. Benardete . translated by David Grene
Washington Square Press 1967 The Complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore . Aeschylus ; 2
with an introduction by David Grene
Washington Square Press 1967 The Complete Greek tragedies / edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore
1 , 2
by Samuel Butler ; with a new introduction by David Grene
University of Chicago Press 1967 Phoenix books P289
University of Chicago Press 1967
The University of Chicago Press 1965 Phoenix books