Davies, Hugh M. (Hugh Marlais)
Davies, Hugh
Robin Clark ; foreword by Hugh M. Davies ; essays by Michael Auping ... [et al.]
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego , University of California Press c2011
: cloth
with essays by Hugh M. Davies and Robert Irwin
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego c2008
essay by Stephanie Hanor ; catalogue entries by Spring DeBoer ... [et al.] ; preface by Hugh M. Davies
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego , Distributed by D.A.P. c2006
: softcover , : hbk
Hugh M. Davies
Museum of Contemporary Art , Lund Humphries 2002
catalogue entries by Tamara Bloomberg ... [et al.] ; preface by Hugh M. Davies ; essay by Toby Kamps ; [edited by Patricia Draher Kiyono]
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego , available through Distributed Art Publishers c2002
: pbk
Museum of Contemporary Art c2001
introduction by Hugh M. Davies, John R. Lane, James Ballinger ; preface by Robert R. Littman ; essays by Pierre Schneider, Sylvia Navarrete ; artist entries by Olivier Debroise et al
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego c2000
essays by Hugh M. Davies and Ronald J. Onorato ; catalogue entries by Hugh M. Davies ... [et al.]
San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art c1997
edited by Hugh M. Davies and Andrea Hales
Museum of Contemporary Art c1996
Hugh M. Davies and Anne Farrell ; essays by Robert Venturi ; interview with Robert Venturi by Hugh M. Davies and Ronald J. Onorato
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego c1996
: pbk , : colth
Hugh M. Davies and Madeleine Grynsztejn
La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art c1989
Hugh Davis, Sally Yard ; [aus dem englischen übertragen von Matthias Wolf]
Bucher c1986
Hugh M. Davies, Ronald J. Onorato ; edited by Sally Yard
La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art c1986
: pbk.
Hugh Davies and Sally Yard
Abbeville Press c1986 Modern masters series v. 9
Hugh M. Davies ; with an essay by Riva Castleman
Barnett Newman Foundation c1983
Hugh M. Davies and Sally E. Yard
University Gallery, University of Massachusetts at Amherst c1980
University Gallery, University of Massachusetts/Amherst c1979
Garland Pub. 1978 Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts
Hugh Marlais Davies
Fine Arts Center Gallery. University of Massachusetts c1975