Association internationale pour l'histoire des religions
Associazione internazionale di storia dell religioni
International Association for the Study of History of Religions
edited by Christoph Bochinger and Jörg Rüpke ; in cooperation with Elisabeth Begemann
De Gruyter c2017 Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten Bd. 67
edited by Luther Martin
Mouton de Gruyter 1993 Religion and society 33
[organizing committee, Juha Pentikäinen ... et al.]
International Association for the History of Religions : Dept. of the Study of Religions, University of Helsinki : Finnish Society for the Study of Comparative Religion [1990]
edited by Witold Tyloch = pod redakcją Witolda Tylocha
Polish Society for the Science of Religions and International Association for the History of Religions 1990
herausgegeben von Walther Heissig und Hans-Joachim Klimkeit
Harrassowitz 1987 Studies in oriental religions / edited by Walther Heissig and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit v. 13
[edited by Victor C. Hayes]
Australian Association for the Study of Religions 1986
edited by Lauri Honko
Mouton c1979 Religion and reason 13
ouvrage publié sous la direction de Emmanuel Anati
Edizioni del Centro c1975
edited by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and C. Jouco Bleeker
E. J. Brill 1970 Studies in the history of religions 18
[International Association for the History of Religions]
E. J. Brill 1968 Proceedings of the XIth international congress of the International Association for the History of Religions : held with the support of UNESCO and under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at Claremont, Calif., September 6-11, 1965 v. 2
E.J. Brill 1968 Proceedings of the XIth international congress of the International Association for the History of Religions : held with the support of UNESCO and under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at Claremont, Calif., September 6-11, 1965 v. 3
E. J. Brill 1968
E. J. Brill 1968 Proceedings of the XIth international congress of the International Association for the History of Religions : held with the support of UNESCO and under the auspices of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at Claremont, Calif., September 6-11, 1965 v. l
Japanese Organizing Committee for the IX I.C.H.R., Science Council of Japan, International Association for the History of Religions
Maruzen 1960
International Association for the History of Religions
Japanese Organizing Committee, the Ninth International Congress for the History of Religions, Science Council of Japan [1958?] The Ninth International Congress for the History of Religions, Japan, 1958 research tour D
E.J. Brill 1954-
edited by Steven Engler